I just graduated from Purdue University with dual degrees in Political Science and Molecular Biology, and I'm strongly considering applying to economics masters programs in January because I've loved what I've read about economic theory and I want to be able to analyze health problems in economic terms, likely work on health policy (sound like a solid reason?). Based on my interests and stats, can you give me any tips for making myself more interesting to masters programs? I am working on choosing programs and professors to contact, (although I'm not really sure whether contacting professors can help for a masters), and I have a few decent recommendation letters lined up (although none from economics professors yet, because I was not an econ major).
Majors: Political Science/Molecular Biology
Cummulative GPA: 3.63
Primary program GPA (political science): 3.84 (do schools consider this at all?)
GRE: n/a (hopeful V/Q/W 160/170/4.5 ish)
Experience: one internship, two years in biology research, transcript shows that I took 22 and 24 credit hour semesters this past year (to complete both majors), and president of an organization.
Long-term research Interest: Health economics (esp. pathology), hopefully PhD in Health policy/economics.
Masters Programs of interest: Oxford MPhil (accepts non-econ grads, and I've heard its a great lead-in to PhD in US), LSE, Yale, NYU, Georgetown, Duke, UCSB.
I'm looking for advice on improving any part of my resume, from math courses (and econ) that I should take asap, the best, honest angles on how to explain my interests and low GPA, and tips on getting in touch with professors who are studying what I am interested in.
Thank you!