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Everything posted by aajenkin

  1. haha. yes, maybe I'll tell them I need to pick up that accent while in their program so the world will automatically look up to me. that might convince them perhaps? You're right, at this point, I can just take the needed courses, do well and write a good application before crossing my fingers. Thanks for the tips though!
  2. Hi everyone, I know that I want to study public health/epidemiology/disease control, but I am extremely interested in entering the field through health economics. As a major in both political science and molecular biology, my plan would be to complete a masters in economics, focusing research on health and disease, then move onto an health economics or health policy/epidemiology PhD. Any thoughts on how the job market would view me? My long-term goal is to work for WHO or another health organization as an analyst. Also, thoughts on LSE's MSc in health policy, economics, and management? And other master's with economics included? Or economics with great PH study options? thanks
  3. Great, I think this gives me some good direction. Thanks Jeffster. I will be working and taking classes, probably two max., simultaneously. I know I that I could do it, it's just a matter of cost, so my first priority is going to have to be getting a good job. I'm hoping job experience in health policy/finance, even entry-level, will also show the college committees that I am serious and capable. I'll stay away from online courses, though, because I've heard the same thing from various sources. Really appreciate your advice! One other thing I'm insecure about is my gpa. It's okay, not great. Obviously, I took biology which was listed as one of my schools hardest programs to earn A's in, and I wasn't really as interested in the subjects. I ended up feeling out of place many times, not because I couldn't do it, I was just not as interested in some of the required courses as my peers, who have since moved on to graduate bio-tech research programs at Harvard ect. So I don't think explaining the low grades will be difficult, but will graduate schools listen? I sort of discovered my interest in economics at the last minute after setting up a small discussion group with an econ professor and then doing some of my own reading, and I never had time to switch (this was all during the last year). So, will grad schools (especially th Oxford masters admissions where the cut-off is a 3.7) consider my dual degrees, and possibly weigh my liberal arts gpa more than my cumulative? Thank you!
  4. Do you think that having taken no economics courses (whatsoever) will also lower my odds? Would taking 1 econ (maybe micro or macro) and 1-2 math (multi-variable calc and matrix algebra) courses be a better option than just taking math? Also, any suggestions about how to fit all three in the next 7 months? I will be in a large city, but college courses are expensive, and although I've heard that online courses are not favored, do you think I could take 1 or 2 online from a well known university?
  5. Hi Fez, I took Calculus I and II and Graduate-level statistics for life science students, all A's. I tested out of algebra. I know that Physics I and II may not be strictly mathematical, but the courses required much applied math (A's). Also, as a requirement for the program, I took Political Analysis, which used some basic statistics (A+); and I used statistics in a few biology labs (which is nothing, but if the schools talk to me, I wouldn't be against mentioning that experience). I am aware that math is vital to entry in economics, but I am hoping that with 1 or 2 further math courses I might salvage my chances, even with the lack of an economics background.
  6. Hi, I just graduated from Purdue University with dual degrees in Political Science and Molecular Biology, and I'm strongly considering applying to economics masters programs in January because I've loved what I've read about economic theory and I want to be able to analyze health problems in economic terms, likely work on health policy (sound like a solid reason?). Based on my interests and stats, can you give me any tips for making myself more interesting to masters programs? I am working on choosing programs and professors to contact, (although I'm not really sure whether contacting professors can help for a masters), and I have a few decent recommendation letters lined up (although none from economics professors yet, because I was not an econ major). Majors: Political Science/Molecular Biology Cummulative GPA: 3.63 Primary program GPA (political science): 3.84 (do schools consider this at all?) GRE: n/a (hopeful V/Q/W 160/170/4.5 ish) Experience: one internship, two years in biology research, transcript shows that I took 22 and 24 credit hour semesters this past year (to complete both majors), and president of an organization. Long-term research Interest: Health economics (esp. pathology), hopefully PhD in Health policy/economics. Masters Programs of interest: Oxford MPhil (accepts non-econ grads, and I've heard its a great lead-in to PhD in US), LSE, Yale, NYU, Georgetown, Duke, UCSB. I'm looking for advice on improving any part of my resume, from math courses (and econ) that I should take asap, the best, honest angles on how to explain my interests and low GPA, and tips on getting in touch with professors who are studying what I am interested in. Thank you!
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