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  • Program
    PhD Linguistics

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Decaf (2/10)



  1. sheherazade


    For comparison, I got an HM with E/G, VG/VG, and E/E.
  2. sheherazade


    Just got my HM email too. They actually gave more to linguists... not sure why, we're one of the social sciences that barely slips in under the bar for the NSF. Alright, bye bye.
  3. sheherazade


    Thanks for the congrats, Higgins. Good to remember that HM is pretty damn prestigious after all. Glad you got the money though! I'm one of those with guaranteed funding (though not 30k worth). Wasn't Monday your deadline for something? Is this in time for you?
  4. sheherazade


    Honorable Mention. That's a huge sigh of relief, at least it's done!
  5. sheherazade


    I still can't see anything! Any tips for getting it to load?
  6. sheherazade


    Oh man, the third season of Stargate SG1 just got posted on Hulu - looks like I've got enough TV to keep me up for days.
  7. sheherazade


    Has anyone thought of making a facebook group? "The Great NSF GRFP Limbo Party 2009" or something like that.
  8. sheherazade


    Just to throw in, I worked temp for six months after college, before getting accepted to 6 out of 7 grad schools I applied to, including an Ivy. The job market can be very rough for humanities majors, so reserve your judgment on temp employees. They may not be polite on the phone, which sucks and all, but seriously, does anyone who calls actually think they're going to get an answer any quicker? Admit it, y'all are just trying to take your frustration out on someone, and find the call center employees an appropriate target. We're all already in a career field (academics) that has a hard time understanding the rest of the world... don't make yourselves sound ruder than you really are.
  9. sheherazade


    Here's the latest unsubstantiated rumor: a faculty member in my dept who does reviewing for the NSF (not sure if for the GRFP or for other awards) asked around last week and heard that the projected timeline for the additional awards is "early May". I know this is no more detailed than anything else we've heard, but for me it indicates that we won't hear anything this week either. Maybe by the end of next week? And this is pretty much verbatim what I hear so no, I can't elaborate my sources, though I trust that this person did actually hear this.
  10. sheherazade


    I haven't received a rejection letter yet, and my name is *not* on the award list. Keeping fingers weakly crossed for the HM. Last name starts with "L". Field in the social sciences.
  11. sheherazade


    My fastlane page doesn't say this... How long has is looked like this for you?
  12. I'm a second year in a grad program in Chicago. Our stipend is smaller (19k for the academic year) than the one you mentioned. It's a tad hard to get by if you splurge on big purchases, but if you're responsible and frugal, then it works. This comes to about 1600 after taxes per month. If you live in Rogers Park in North Chicago, you could take the train (Red Line) to Evanston quite easily, and rent is very cheap in Rogers Park, you could get a studio or small 1-bd for ~7 hundred. If you want to, I think you could make it work there, even with the insurance expense.
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