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Everything posted by totheleft

  1. I applied for a Masters degree at a number of schools and have narrowed my acceptances down to two. Which would you choose, based on the following info? -I don't NEED a Masters for my job but am doing it for personal satisfaction and of course it may give me a leg-up in the future when applying for jobs, etc. -The Masters are professional-based, not research based. I'll be working full-time while doing the Masters program. I'll be paying for it out of pocket (and can afford to do so - neither will be a financial concern for me). -Both degrees are offered online. Northeastern University, Masters of Science in [my very very specific career]. I'll know/be familiar with a fair amount of the content already, due to having a credential in it, so it'll be a very familiar curriculum. Down side to that could be less "branching out?" but I know i"ll stay in this specific career. $5,000 more than the other program. VERY hands-off program -- the staff are sometimes hard to reach and mostly uninterested in me as a specific student, it seems. Not surprised since it's an online program, but still. Smaller State School (heard of, but not as good as Northeastern), Masters of Public Administration (broader - related to my job and it's a commonly pursued degree in my field, but much broader and also applies to other fields). Cheaper. VERY hands-on program in the sense of being very warm, friendly, and inviting. Down sides - lesser known school, broader program with less specific coursework to your job - this means more to learn. Which would you pick? I worry that in the long run I'll be bummed that I picked two years of "nice people' over a lifetime of better reputation on my resume. But I also worry that I won't be fulfilled in the Northeaster program emotionally.. then again it's only two years. I do have experience in "lonely" online learning, so I'm used to it and expecting it regardless.
  2. Thanks, SIgaba. I'll use both of your ideas in crafting a succinct letter this evening.
  3. Thanks. I did reply but there was no answer; I should have mentioned that.
  4. Hello, One of my recommenders agreed to write me a letter by the end of May (for rolling admissions online MPA programs - hence why it's so late.. I'm a late applicant.) It's June 2 - he has not yet done so. I ended up finding other recommenders. All schools have indicated that my applications are complete. Do I email him and ask him NOT to send them? Let it ride and risk him sending the letters way late? Ignore it all together? I worry if I say "nevermind!" he will say he's already started on them and I'll look bad and he'll email them negatively, haha.
  5. Thanks to both of you. I really appreciate the feedback. Here's hoping it doesn't hurt either of us! I just worry because it's online - but I'd assume that most work in my field will be qualitative, not quant (i.e. writing papers, etc - not just filling in multiple choice things - so it'll be obvious that we're doing separate work.) Thanks! Have a great weekend
  6. I've lived in Northern VA my entire life - so the commute seems easy to me. It's nice because you can just sit on the metro with your iPod or a book, or get work done or whatever. Anotehr option would be to move toward Burke - there's a great VRE (train) station in Burke and the VRE is a little nicer, above ground, bathrooms, can drink/eat on it, etc. But no metro near there so if you won't have a car, you may not like that (but if you don't have a car, I may not recommend Franconia either.)
  7. Yep. We're looking at MPA programs offered online - often, as you said, for those already professionally employed/experienced in nonprofit or government administration. They're accredited programs from "regular" brick & mortar schools, not diploma mills or anything. I mostly don't want them to lump us together in a negative way or (especially with it being online) them assuming we'll help each other with work, etc.
  8. My husband and I are looking at the same online MPA programs. Do you think we're likely to prevent one another from getting in? I applied a week ago; he's beginning to apply now. We went to different undergrad schools, have different grades, and have not looked at one another's SoP or resume etc. in the interest of preventing any overlap. We are in the same industry, hoewver, and thus have some overlap in our professional development activities. We're aren't specifically striving to go through the same program (though we're not specifically against it, either) - it's just that the programs we want to apply to happen to be the same. We have similar goals with our career, too, so I'm sure that's reflected in our SoPs, as well. Insight?
  9. Hi all - I'm applying on a rolling admissions basis to an online MPA program. I just found out that one of my recommenders (my only academic one) filled out the onlne form figuring that's what the school wanted instead of a letter. Perhaps she hasn't done many of these since they went electronic. :\ So she just checked off good thigns in the "How well do you know her? Is she good at ___? Is she good at ____? Do you recommend her y/n?" Am I screwed? i think my other two letters are very good - and the school only has a spot for 3 recommendations. I could get a fourth from another professor but it won't allow me to add another recommender. How would you proceed?
  10. Hi all - have any of you who are thinking of pursuing/thought of pursuing an MPA with a focus in nonprofit management contemplated doing a certificate program? In other words - if I don't get in to schools (and I'm pursuing an online program, as I work full-time in the DC area and am very actively involved in the nonprofit assn industry) - do you think it'd be better to apply again or seek acceptance into one of the certificate programs? Additionally, what would you think is better - a local decently ranked school, or a distance program with a higher ranking? (Both NASPAA accredited). No one here seems to talk much about online options from accredited schools, as this forum seems to be mostly dedicated to those more focused on academic than professional pursuits. I don't need an MPA and already hold a professional certification, but I'd like one, as I enjoyed undergrad and would be interested in furthering my education. Thoughts?
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