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Posts posted by invisiblecities

  1. So I haven't really posted here before but had been haunting this forum during the pre-SSHRC notice anxiety/obsession since April, and thought I would try posting as it was requested that applicants share their stats. I just got my letter yesterday in Winnipeg, and have been awarded a SSHRC. I applied through my university, have a 4.244/4.5 GPA, have had four research positions and four marking positions, had only received about seven scholarships (most of which were not very large and not very impressive, although they were/are totally appreciated), and hadn't had any presentations or attended any conferences during the time of my application, and still have no publications. While my letters of reference were sealed, I believe they were strong, as I chose the professors who I had worked for in various capacities and/or professors who had vocalized their support and opinion of my work.

    Congratulations to all who have won, and best of luck to those who are still waiting, on the waitlist, or applying (again) next year!

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