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Posts posted by ilovebooks

  1. Sent my university (uWaterloo) an e-mail to see if they received the results.  Heard back that they had and that I didn't receive an award.  Assuming I'm not waitlisted either, but will wait for the official letter.


    My stats:

    -91% graduate average, similar undergraduate marks

    -will be entering my 1st year of PhD in Fall 2013

    -Received OGS and a few other graduate scholarships from my university and department

    -0 peer reviewed publications

    -0 conference presentations

    -lots of TA positions and 1 RA

    -1 "other" publication; a report for my profession's governing body

    -solid research proposal and references (as far as I know)


    Not much experience, so thought it was a long-shot I would win an award, but with so much money at stake there's always some hope!


    Best of luck to everyone else and I will update my score/official status when I receive my letter.


    Just wanted to say I received my official letter today.  As expected, did not receive an award and am not on the wait-list.  Also, my score was 14.5/30, which I'm pretty happy with as I lack experience in publications and presentations.


    Into the fray of next year's application... congratulations to all of you who have been successful, and best wishes to those of you still waiting to hear!

  2. Sent my university (uWaterloo) an e-mail to see if they received the results.  Heard back that they had and that I didn't receive an award.  Assuming I'm not waitlisted either, but will wait for the official letter.


    My stats:

    -91% graduate average, similar undergraduate marks

    -will be entering my 1st year of PhD in Fall 2013

    -0 peer reviewed publications

    -0 conference presentations

    -lots of TA positions and 1 RA
    -1 "other" publication; a report for my profession's governing body

    -solid research proposal and references (as far as I know)


    Not much experience, so thought it was a long-shot I would win an award, but with so much money at stake there's always some hope!


    Best of luck to everyone else and I will update my score/official status when I receive my letter.

  3. I just want to put out there that I'm not a big fan of this year's dissemination method for results. Everyone, whether they win or not, wants the cozy comfort of an official letter to snuggle up to or curse at.


    I agree!  I wish all schools either did or did not tell their students their status.  Or better yet, have SSHRC send out notice to all applicants of their status.. on the same day... via e-mail.  Imagine that!


    Oh- and no official letters in Waterloo today.  Until tomorrow!

  4. ilovebooks - I was notified by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. They sent me an email indicating that SSHRC contacted them directly with the results. The competition results have been integrated into the online student interface already, so I was able to accept my award with the university simply by pointing and clicking (instead of filling out Form 1). As a side note - are you in I/O at Waterloo? I may actually know you if you are :P

    Zencarrot- I had to look up what I/O stands for, so I can confidently say I'm not in I/O!  I'm in the Applied Health Sciences department.  Are you at Waterloo or studying elswhere?

  5. Notified yesterday that I was awarded CGS as well! I'm wondering, when specifying a start date, can you change it from what you indicated in your application? I originally included the start date at Sept 2013, but I would like the start date to be May 1st instead. Anyone know if this is an issue or not?


    Congrats to all who also received good news this week :)

    Just curious Zencarrot- how were you notified?  Did you department notify you, or was it your University's grad studies office? 

  6. It's not "official", as I haven't received a letter- but I did get a congrats. I needed it. I got turned down by CIHR 2 years in a row :(


    As for my stats:


    PhD, Interdisciplinary studies (Psychology, environmental sciences, aging & leisure), 3rd year of study, I have several other scholarships for my PhD (provincial, federal, and international), publications (2 accepted non-first author, 2 submitted first author, 7 published abstracts), 6 conference presentations...umm....what else do you want to know?


    I love seeing that you're studying leisure (I'm going into a rec&leisure PhD program next year)!  And you sure have a lot of qualifications; congrats again!

  7. Got a department call :D - so your FGS department should know by now. Might be worth calling them!


    Congratulations; I'm so jealous that your department/office for grad studies has let you know!  I contacted my university's grad studies office earlier this week, so to avoid bugging them, and getting a similar reply like "e-mails will be sent when results become available", I'm going to be waiting it out.  It's strange that SSHRC hasn't tweeted about sending out mail (if they've done so by now...).

  8. I just received an email from my Graduate Advisor, wishing me congratulations on getting the SSHRC. It was quite a nice surprise! So it seems as though the results have been sent out to the departments, and hopefully the letter is in the mail...


    Dotlock- is your Graduate Advisor a member of a SSHRC adjudication committee?  I'm wondering if they had the inside scoop or if they heard from the Graduate Studies Office at your university.  Hopefully results are being filtered through Grad Studies Offices and we can all expect to hear soon!  Congratulations either way!

  9. Ok... here is a question for the knowing... What's up with this... :


    Individuals who apply through a Canadian university for either a master’s scholarship or a doctoral award will first receive notice of the results of their application through their university’s faculty of graduate studies or equivalent.




    Does that mean that the admin knows the results before we do? And if so, how early...?


    I just talked to the SSHRC scholarship co-ordinator at my school and was told that sometimes students will actually receive the results before the school does, so as for being notified by them, they may do it before or after I find out.  Not very helpful but that seems to reflect the experiences of students who've applied for other Tri-Council awards, of which I read some heard in writing first and some heard from their school first.


    I wish that from that statement I could believe we would find out the results sooner.. but it appears that's not the case!  Here's to continuing waiting anxiously for my mail in the next few weeks.

  10. How does this reversion list work this year? When could one expect to hear?


    I know that at my university, the reversion list works like so:


    1- When students who were offered the award decline, because they choose to go to another school or hold another award, the awards are available to be given out to others.

    2- To decide who gets the award, the school (in my case, faculty) looks at their reversion list (which may or may not already be ranked) and then choose someone from that list to get the award.


    You'll basically hear once the offer letters for Tri-Council (SSHR, CIHR, NSERV) have been sent out, and responses have started filtering back to the faculty/department.  This is generally in the spring.  In the e-mail I received I was also told that more specifically, reversion offers of OGS will start going out in May through August.

  11. I know OGS is done independently through each school now, but has anyone heard about their status? This is my first time applying so I don't really know the usual timeline. Is it too early to expect results? Thanks!


    You're right; status largely depends on the school you attend.  Personally, with my university, we heard back in February whether or not we received OGS for 2013-2014.  That being said, those of us who heard were internal candidates, so already attending the school we're applying to for another degree, or attending in second year.  I'm not sure when (or if) external candidates heard the results.  Not sure if this is helpful, but we did hear.  


    On a side note, based on allocation of awards within our university, our faculty received only about 50% of the awards we have received in previous years, so an OGS this year is much harder to obtain.  I received one last year, but this year I'm simply on the reversion list.  Hopefully your school has received more allocations instead of fewer like my faculty!

  12. I know a handful of people (and none of them are direct applicants) have already received their rejection letters from SSHRC...I don't know what this means for direct applicants though...


    I had no idea any results had been sent out!  Would you mind letting us know which area of the country these results have been sent to?

  13. Personally, my husband is employed full-time so we bill share which certainly helps.  That being said, one of the best ways to pay your way through school (in my opinion) is to land TA and/or RA positions in your department.  I know at my school and in my department these are very lucrative and equal out (after taxes) to be about $6000 a term.  This helps hugely in paying tuition and other expenses.  There are also similar paying positions that are other jobs on campus, and they're designed for grad students.. so look around and see what kind of paying opportunities your school/program has.


    Other students in the same program as me have taken out loans to make up the difference between their earnings and bills, while still others work a few part time jobs.


    Also, I've obtained a scholarship for my second year, which helped out even more.  While some of the major awards have passed (OGS and SSHRC) you still may be able to apply to some awards.


    Not sure this is helpful, but just a bit of information about what I've done!

  14. I wish they would be a little more specific than "spring 2013." I am so anxious to find out the results! I've heard so many different dates thrown around - from late March to late-May. I just wish I had a better idea of what to expect! And it will be nice to know how much I need to worry about saving up before heading off to school in September. Has anyone applied for a Master's SSHRC in the past, or known someone who has? Any idea when people were notified about the results? 


    On another note, I'm curious if anyone knows much about the SSHRC MA scholarship for past years. When I was talking to a prof about grad school in September-ish, he brought up the SSHRC grant and seemed to think it was about $30 grand. Has the amount gone down in recent years due to budget cuts? I'll be happy to receive it either way, but I'm just curious if the amount has changed or if my prof was maybe just thinking of the doctoral version of the grant. 


    Good luck everyone!


    As mentioned by another member, last year the letters were sent out and received around the end of May.  In the past, it has been a bit before that, but it all just depends on how many awards they have to give out and how long it takes them to decide.  That's why we get the description of "spring 2013" as when the results will be sent out.  I applied for SSHRC last year, and was sent as an alternate from my school, which meant I didn't hear anything at all, ever.  Hopefully that's not your case!


    In past years, MA SSHRC grants have been a similar amount of money ($17 500).  Remember that a lot of schools provide "top ups", so the total value you receive could be higher and more around the $30 000 mark (school dependent).  I know Waterloo provides an extra $10 000 to students who receive SSHRC or OGS.  The prof could have also been thinking about doctoral scholarships, which are certainly higher than MA SSHRC awards.

  15. I'm confused about the A list B list thing.  If you are in Canada and applied through your university, are you automatically on the A list?  Since your home university already did a ranking of applications and only sent out the highest ranked ones?  Or is the A and B list determined once all the applications are sent to SSHRC?


    From my understanding, if you apply through your university, and are sent on, you are on the A list, but the A list sent to SHHRC is not a guarantee of funding (like in the MA level competition).  Therefore you'll be evaluated again at the SHHRC level to determine if you receive funding or not.

  16. sparrowbirdie, I am an alternate and also received that email--I guess they get the alternates' applications along with the A-listers' ones, in case an A-lister doesn't accept it. Here's hoping that is the case for both of us! ;)


    Congratulations to you both on being an alternate!  I was an alternate in the MA competition last year, and you're right; you can be awarded a SSHRC award if someone from your school declines.  Also, last year they did not send out letters to the alternates, so know that you probably won't be contacted unless an award becomes available after the acceptance deadline.


    For interest's sake, my school sent on 5 alternates and I did not end up receiving an award, but one of my peers (from the same program as me) was also an alternate and did receive an award.  So there's definitely the possibility of getting an award while an alternate.

  17. Just wanted to send out an update for my school (University of Waterloo).


    I heard on January 4 that my SSHRC Doctoral application is being passed on to the national competition.  I am currently completing my MA and am applying to complete my PhD in the same department, so it's my first shot at securing funding for this degree.  I heard that uWaterloo's quota is 33 (ie. they can only send 33 applications) and from what I gather from statistics, usually about 17 of our students received awards... here's hoping!


    I also received acknowledgement of receipt of my application from SSHRC on January 17.


    And so the long waiting process begins... Good luck to those of you still waiting to hear from your school, or with direct applications!

  18. Hey everyone-- I was told I was on the SSHRC alternate list back in March for my (small canadian) school-- I suppose I can only manage to get the scholarship if enough people decline?

    Thing is, I haven't heard ANYTHING yet, and it's July 20th. Will they tell me one way or another? How does being an alternate work?

    Desalbert- I contacted SSHRC this week via phone because I was wondering the same thing. I'm on the alternate list and haven't heard anything from them since a confirmation they had my application in February. Basically, they told me that should funds come available they will contact me via e-mail. I asked if there was a last date this could happen by, as I know OGS only gives funds up until December 2, 2012, and they said "no".

    To me, it means that basically if someone declines their award or drops out I might get money, but I know my school doesn't have that many award recipients (20) so the chances of that happening, in my opinion are very small!

    Hope this helps!

  19. jrg- yes I did recieve an e-mail from SSHRC saying they had received my application in February.. so I think I'm probably on the wait-list (as that was what my school recommended), and that they'll contact me should funds become available.

    do you have any additional insights into the wait-list process and hearing from SSHRC?

  20. thanks bentharbour! what you've said makes sense and I didn't realize that successful candidates only had 4 weeks to respond.. that probably means I'll hear after that time has passed! I guess in the mean time I'll try and take my mind off of looking for a letter.

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