Hey Guys,
I'm looking for programs that DO NOT put a ton of emphasis on quant. While I do want to gain those skill sets, I don't want to spend two years hating my life (never been a huge fan of math) and also I don't plan on working in any quant heavy professions (e.g. world bank, IMF etc.) so looking for programs that have it, but don't stress it.
Based on my research, I gather the following schools are quant heavy (aka won't be applying):
1) WWS
3) Chicago
5) Georgetown
Conversely, I plan to apply to the following because it doesn't seem like they are super quant heavy and/or let you choose how much quant you want:
1) HKS
2) GW
3) American
4) NYU
5) Duke
I would love to find out from either current students or well informed prospective students how quant heavy the curriculum for the above (schools I plan to apply to) are.
Thanks so much guys, all of you rock!