Haha, I am just as surprised as you!
Sounds like we have similar interests. I like how this program is not simply economic development but also organization building that can be applied to many different areas. Since getting into CDE, I have done a lot more reading, thinking, and searching, and now have mini obsessions with economics, finance, and the role they play in this area. Currently, I am harboring fantasies of eventually working for the UN, World Bank, or the OECD. So basically I wish I hadn't been so focused at the time with working domestically (North America) and had followed up after a professor (now my temp adviser) mentioning IDS instead of dismissing it on the spot because it looks awesome! Does it take longer or do you take more classes in a semester? Which of the IDS courses in each category do you want to take?
As an international student still waiting for my visa, I am not supposed to register during this registration period, so I'll register during the Add/Drop in August. I was watching the classes fill up and was starting to sweat but the coordinator said there was no need to perspire for the program is here for us. What courses are you taking?
What'd you study as an undergrad?
The Economist has an interesting article about "green growth" and development in the current issue (in time for Rio I reckon). Also, in this issue they have a special report (fourteen pages!) on the melting of the arctic. Only the first five articles are free online unless you pay so choose wisely!
After JPMorgan Chase's recent $2billion trading flap, I was looking at their website and came across this: http://www.jpmorganchase.com/corporate/Corporate-Responsibility/environment.htm
In closing, I think this is an exciting time to be getting into this field!