I was just accepted to a full-time Masters in Clinical Social Work program at Simmons College in Boston, MA. There is NO WAY I can work full-time (as I do now) and do this program, as it is three days of field work and 2 of classes. I make below $30,000 a year right now, but still, it pays my rent/life.
I have no means of paying for school besides loans. I will apply for FAFSA on 1/1/13, but what do I do about living expenses like rent and food and general well-being? Is this where gradplus comes in? If so, how do I figure out what I need and what I'll actually get? Does the money go right to the school and they give me what's leftover after tuition? I am totally new to this process as I was lucky enough to have parents who paid my whole undergrad in full.So PLEASE, can someone un-confuse me, at least just a little?