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Posts posted by Newmanz

  1. Hello folks,

    I am in a bit of a toubling situation. I am going to a juior next fall and I am concerding about my overall undergrad experience. I attend a well know undergrad university with a good academic reputation.

    I came to the school as a biomedical engineer, but I switched to electrical engineering as I relized that I had a passion and high interest for the material I learned in my introductory circuits course. I am a hardworking individual and I put much effort into all of my studies, unfortunately my grades to dot reflect my potential. I currently have a 2.8 GPA overall, I still need to take more courses relevant to EE engineering to post my EE GPA. I am interested in Power Engineering and have found a small number of schools that have the program availible.I am taking summer classes currently to hopefully bring my gpa to above a 3, but with my current progress in these courses, I fear they may even lower my gpa. I have no research experience or job experience, alothough I will begin research by the beginning of August. I really want to go to Grad School, but I am very concerned about my GPA. I also need advice from you all, so I can make the necessary steps at this point to make myself a strong candidate for grad school despite the low GPA.

    Thank You

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