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  • Location
    Kolkata, India
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Phd in English

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  1. Hi, Of late, I have developed an interest in reading literature based on posthumanism and bioethics, but being analyzed from the perspective of literature and not science. I am keen on knowing the names of some theorists in these areas and names of works that you would recommend by them. I know of Donna Haraway and N.Katherine Hayles but that's about it. I'd also appreciate knowing which universities in the US (both in the departments of English and Media Studies) are doing work in these areas.
  2. Thank you ...Congratulations to you too My research interests primarily are postcolonialism, gender studies and posthumanism
  3. Yeah, the funding packages and stipends are comparable taking into account the expenses of a big city. To be honest, Pitt's offer may be marginally low but they are giving me a fellowship the first year whereas Iowa wants me to start teaching from the first year itself
  4. Hello All, As the title above explains, I have offers for PhD in English from both these places. I got off the waitlist at both these places and now I must decide within a few hours which one to go to. I would sincerely appreciate any kind of feedback on the English programs of these two places since my preferences for advisors etc. are more or less the same in these places. Any help at all is appreciated, so please be generous...
  5. ETA: would sincerely appreciate any kind of feedback on the English programs of these two places
  6. Hello All, As the title above explains, I have offers for PhD in English from both these places. I got off the waitlist at both these places and now I must decide within a few hours which one to go to. I would really, sincerely appreciate any kind of feedback from on the English programs of these two places since my preferences for advisors etc. are more or less the same in these places. Any help at all is appreciated, so please be generous...
  7. I am interested in the courses on Post Colonial Theory and Weimar Cinema. Could you suggest some locations close to the campus or on campus where rent is cheap enough for a single tenant.
  8. Somebody on another thread on this forum for Florida acceptances mentioned that all TAs receive subsidized health insurance owing to the graduate assistants united union. Is that good?
  9. This is what I have understood of my funding offer from Dr. Dobrin over the phone as I am yet to receive that acceptance letter. A fellowship of $10,781 for the first year and TA with a 1/1 teaching load the next 3 years after that. I cannot recall if anything had been mentioned about health insurance. I understand that there are many competitive fellowships that one can apply for (as per the website). I'd appreciate your feedback on this funding package in relation to living expenses in Gainesville, Florida.
  10. @bluecheese My message sending options are not working so here goes, this is what I have understood of my funding offer from Dr. Dobrin as I am yet to receive that acceptance letter. A fellowship of $10,781 for the first year and TA with a 1/1 teaching load the next 3 years after that. I cannot recall if anything had been mentioned about health insurance. I understand that there are many competitive fellowships that one can apply for (as per the website). I'd appreciate your feedback on this funding package in relation to living expenses in Gainesville, Florida.Hi as mentioned earlier, this is what I have understood of my funding offer from Dr. Dobrin as I am yet to receive that acceptance letter. A fellowship of $10,781 for the first year and TA with a 1/1 teaching load the next 3 years after that. I cannot recall if anything had been mentioned about health insurance. I understand that there are many competitive fellowships that one can apply for (as per the website). I'd appreciate your feedback on this funding package in relation to living expenses in Gainesville, Florida.
  11. I was informed of my acceptance and funding package when I called up the English Graduate Office on the 8th of March. Dr. Dobrin, graduate coordinator, had said an email would soon follow but I am yet to receive anything. Therefore, I can PM you what I *think* I understood of my offer as I was pretty excited and speechless and dazed all at once when I received the news and its been a while since then.
  12. ETA: I mean is Gainesville relatively cheap in terms of transportation cost, living expenses etc.?
  13. Can you tell me if its possible to live off the fellowship offered by UF in the first year and what's the teaching load like? Is Florida relatively affordable? The rent listings for the different graduate housing arrangements seem quite steep if we're not allowed to take roommates. I could PM you my fellowship offer if that helps
  14. @ComeBackZinc I did but since I am an international student I don't know if the names of the universities posted here are well respected and the frequency of getting tenure tracks is standard or below average. Perhaps you could shed some light on this based on this link?
  15. I am an international applicant and I have recently been accepted into the PhD program at University of Florida with a fellowship offer the first year and a TA for the next 3 years (I have an MA). My question is with regards to the reputation of the program in the field of English programs. I know it is ranked 52 on the US News rankings but I guess I need more information than just figures and numbers. What has their placement record been like in the last few years and those who have been placed do they generally get tenure track? P.S.: my area of interest is posthumanism , postcolonialism and the subaltern. If that is of any help.
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