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  1. I wonder if you guys are still checking out the forum. So has everyone made a decision yet? I've accepted the offer to Stanford.
  2. Shahn: hey, I am from Singapore too, what a coincidence! Phsu: how did you manage to talk to a faculty for an hour? I am getting all nervous about the campus visits. Do the professors grill you regarding your background and knowledge? I'll be heading to Stanford this weekend. There seems to be around 30 people invited so its a good sized group. Maybe I'll tell you guys more about the visit later this week like what phsu did. Anyway, I am also very pessimistic about getting anymore offers, so it looks like its either Stanford or UIUC for me. That's 2/6 for me. Even Michigan did not get back to me.
  3. I am planning to do 3 visits too, that is if I get at least 1 more offer. Which visits are you guys going for? I'll probably go for UIUC, Stanford and WashU. (if I get hear back from them)
  4. Congrats dude! You've already got guaranteed funding! I still have to wait for word on funding, bah..
  5. I just got accepted into UIUC! Nothing about funding though, but I am still thankful. How about you guys? Heard back from more schools?
  6. Thanks for the information about funding and Yup, I am admitted into the PhD program. I worked on sputtered metallic thin films for surface coatings during my undergrad years and I spent a lot of time characterizing the films with x-rays. However, I am not sure exactly what kind of thin films I want to work on so I am looking forward to the open visit day when I can talk to the faculty and learn more about their research. Perhaps you can give me some advise on which faculty is working on what kind of thin film materials? Anyway, can I ask which Professor are you working with? I have a few top choice Professors whom I am really interested in working with. Oh man, I can barely contain my excitment. Stanford has excellent faculties doing thin films research and was recommended by the Professor in am working under here in Michigan. If I get the funding, the admission offer will be irresistable for me.
  7. Hi Othello, thanks for the offer! I am already looking into flights to Stanford for the open visit day, can't wait for it. At this moment, I would just like to ask about the chances of getting sufficient financial aid since I am international (can't/did not apply for external fellowships) and money is a huge issue. Anyway, so what are you research are you working on? I am interested in thin film materials/characterization studies.
  8. I am graduating from Michigan in April. I feel rather fortunate about being admitted to Stanford since I don't feel that my application was very strong. Oh well, I am so excited now since Stanford is my one of my top(if not first) choice. I hope to hear from more schools though. Haha. I really like the program at WUSTL too.
  9. I applied to Michigan, WUSTL, Stanford, MIT, UIUC and Caltech. Stanford notified me by email on Friday.
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