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Posts posted by justkeepswimming

  1. For me personally it is not so much I took offense as I think it's useful and productive to be critical. Hypersensitivity is a word often wielded against people who feel the stakes of racism/sexism and speak up about it. It isn't a bad thing that people feel emotions or feel strongly about certain things.


    I agree with you and I see what you're saying--my apologies for coming off that way. To be clear, I don't mean to invoke it against those who are URM in any shape or form. It was just a frustrated comment in reaction to general hypersensitivity of this forum towards nearly every other comment (exaggeration) posted.

  2. It doesn't take much of an extension of logic to see why this question is silly. So we can't take offense to the ideas coming out of somebody's mouth unless they are directed towards us?


    This entire conversation started because of a perceived slight that was, in fact, non-existent. Of course we can take offense to things that aren't necessarily directed towards us. It just seemed to me that asleepawake was insisting on taking personal umbrage because DH's comments were "very thoughtless" with respect to Keely. Again, I'm not debating the necessity for discussing AA. This forum is just way too hypersensitive about people stepping on other people's toes. 

  3. asleepawake, I definitely appreciate your opinion and support, but my personal philosophy is that I've had to fight tooth and nail to even get to college in the first place, and it's made me a very dedicated scholar. I think it's wrong for applications to even ask things like race and socioeconomic status, BUT if you ARE going to ask me in the personal prompt if I've overcome any educational challenges, be ready for an earful. I'm not going to hold back, because ultimately I'm looking out for #1. 


     I don't approve of AA as a general practice, but as DontHate says, it IS a current practice, so if one can take advantage of it, one should. However, I have made sure to try my hardest to pass on the opportunities and good fortune bestowed upon me in the last year or so - I've spent my time at Berkeley tutoring and mentoring the Guardian Scholars Program, which is a privately-funded program to help foster kids transition into college. ONLY 3% of us ever even earn a BA in their lifetime. Sorry, I'm just a little riled up now lol. And I think it's a statistic people should be aware of.


    I wish I could upvote this. This is great--thank you. 

  4. You may have said that, but responding to her acceptances with "I know why you really got in" is insulting no matter how you justify it. Getting a diversity fellowship doesn't prove that somebody is an AA admit, either. All it proves is that they got the diversity fellowship; of those admitted, they offered the most in that area.




    I don't think DontHate said anything remotely near "I know why you really got in." I realize that things can be tense on this forum, but let's try not to read into comments too much? And yes, getting or being nominated for a diversity fellowship doesn't take away from any of his/her accomplishments as an applicant. 

  5. I was told by someone I trust very much, "Do not apply to Chicago or Columbia." And I'm already applying only to programs where I go "just who do I think I am???" with each submission, so. Don't need my list of rejections to be longer, you know? And I can assume from Harvard's rejection what Chicago's would feel like, I think.

    Anyway, I've made a last minute decision to apply to another school by the 15 so I'll be at that until 11:59pm Saturday, I fear.

    Wait, why not apply to Chicago and Columbia? I've only heard wonderful things from people around me...

    Are applications with 12/15 deadlines due at 11:59pm that evening?

    I know that Cornell is due 12/15 5PM EST.

    And lastly, hurrah for all of us working right up until the end. The next 72 hours or so will not be pleasant, but--I hope--it will be all worth it in the end.

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