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Posts posted by becstar32

  1. I vote you create a new group!

    And big upps to the burger joint, although I don't think I want peanut butter on mine!

    I agree; I vote for citywalk to create a new group!

  2. I've been admitted to the Materials Science Ph.D. program. I'm currently scrounging around craigslist for apartments, but I'm worried about finding something because I won't be able to visit until early June. Even then, I probably won't be moving in until the end of August. In any case, I'd also like meet new, incoming grad students. Even though I'll probably be mostly associating with those in my program, I think it's important to have friends in a lot of different areas. Maybe we can organize a meet and greet at a bar sometime in late August or early September.

    I think that would be a good idea...sometime after orientation?

  3. Hey wantaphd:

    I am moving from Arkansas and I have been there a couple of times so I feel semi-comfortable finding a place. I have pets that I am bringing so I cannot stay in the grad housing...when is your orientation?

  4. Hi becstar32,

    I found out the other day that I had also been awarded the fellowship. So when do you plan to move to West Lafayette? I'm also interested in meeting new people, and I don't know anyone there either!

    I am moving there in august...visiting in may to look at places, but am having trouble finding places over the internet (i live >12hrs away).

    Congrats on the fellowship!

  5. I was accepted to Ecological Sciences and Engineering Program at Purdue and offered a Purdue Doctoral fellowship....I don't know anyone there so I am interested in meeting new people!

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