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Posts posted by beaches90

  1. The problem is that they don't have money for TAs or tuition waivers. There are a bunch of grants that NSF hasn't decided on that, if they get funded, will provide RA positions but none in my area. Honestly, I'm not willing to take out as much in loans each year as I will make in salary when I'm done. It would be foolish. It's not enough of a dream to condemn myself to a life of poverty for the next 20 years.

    In any event, the phone call news gives me a small glimmer (however faint) of hope.

    Yikes, I'm sorry about your situation. I'll cross my fingers for both of us. Although my glimmer of hope is fading, I want it so incredibly bad that maybe the universe will let me get it:). \

    Good luck!

  2. Thanks, ChivPowers! I'm an evolutionary biologist, and I received the email just before 7 pm Central Standard Time.

    Yeah, I was wondering the same thing as the above poster. Did you notify Ford about needed notification? Thanks!

  3. In the past, the department has been able to fund everyone. Right now, assuming no one quits and we have the same budget for 09-10 as we do for 08-09 (which is not going to happen, it'll be less), the department is a handful of students overcommitted. Consequently, the only way to guarantee one's future is to secure external funding on a RA or through a fellowship. This was my only shot as I'm not eligible for NSF, NDSEG, or NIH.

    So out of curiosity, is the problem that they can't offer you an RA assistantship or that they can't do a tuition waiver? Don't give up hope. If this is your dream, the loans will be worth it (if that's what it comes down to). Otherwise, we wouldn't have medical doctors...if it was all about loans, now would we? Now, I know they get paid more...BUT, you get the idea.

  4. Well if u do call, please post...I didnt think to ask why they only sent out "some." Im wondering if it was because there was a problem with those people's contact info or if it was because they sent emails only to the winners....last year they didnt do the email thing from my understanding....

    Nope, last year was just through the mail. I'm crossing my fingers...that "some" doesn't just mean winners. That there's still a chance they'll send stuff out today or next week.

  5. Since I can't be successful in the real world, I think I need a new life plan. In third grade, I invented an apple washer for a contest. Yes, an apple washer. My life potential was doomed from the start!

  6. Did you know that I have a better chance of getting a cancerous brain tumor (due to a medical condition I have) than I have of getting a NSF Fellowship?

    I don't know if that's funny or sad.

  7. From my mind!

    I hate you? Where do you live? I'm going to give you a piece of my mind. Not that I have that much in the first place. Which the rejection email clearly confirms.

  8. What people who got rejected still has a chance and they were just rejected accidentally by fastlane?? Still hope!

    What? Where did you get this from?

  9. Ummm... my concern is more that without the Ford, I may not have any funding (budget cutbacks are not fun!) and will be quitting after the first year of my PhD because I don't want to take out $30K in loans per year to finish.

    Congrats to those who did get it.

    I guess I'm lucky that my department is well-funded. How do other students in your cohort do it/pay for graduate school?

  10. ^^this. I have good statistics, a pub in the pipeline and my recommenders are academy members, so it's just up to me to sell myself. And I did make spelling/grammar mistakes. And I did accept a dare to include the word "testes" in my proposal...on yeast. "Ballsy," I know.

    I tried to keep the fact that I applied to fellowships hush hush...so that nobody in the department (besides my advisor) would know. Sad? Yes. Necessary for my sanity? You betcha.

  11. Hey guys, I know how you feel. I'm sorry. But cheer up..your life will be filled with many ups to balance this down. Def **do not** start feeling sorry for yourself by judging your worth/scholarly potential/intellectual contributions by whether or not you get this thing. I know its disappointing..so be disappointed, but then pull your head up.

    Thanks for the pep talk. Your kids are lucky to have such an encouraging parent.

    I'm also worried about disappointing my advisor...she kept saying, "Well, you got HM last year, so it could happen!!" She sounded so so excited. I sometimes worry that she regrets picking me as an incoming student, ha ha.

  12. Who else is worried about disappointing their advisor?

    *raises hand*

    The fact that I made spelling and grammar mistakes on an essay sure doesn't make me feel better:(

  13. I'm about to cry after reading the Ford thread. It looks like I didn't get it. If I didn't get Ford, then I probably didn't get NSF. Someone please, please tell me that I'm still a worthy person. I wanted it so, so bad.

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