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Current post grad plans


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Hi everyone!

I was originally going to post this topic under "Jobs", but I think it may be more relevant here. I just got accepted into an Experimental Psych PhD program, but still once in a while have bouts of anxiety over "job prospects" type questions. So I thought it may be fun to start a topic on what everyone's current plans are for their PhD in Psychology? Personally, I am hoping to at least try for academia first, but am also potentially interested in working for a CRO organization (bulk of my job and research experience was in clinical research/pharma studies at a medical center). What is everyone else hoping to do when they grow up? :)

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I'm also going into an experimental psych PhD program. I very strongly want to go into academia, but I am aware of the odds. I'm going to give it my all, but if it doesn't work out, I'd look for industry or government research positions. Would potentially also consider teaching-stream positions, but I definitely feel like a basic scientist at heart!

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Glad you posted this question (I hope more people respond!)

I don't strongly want to get into academia (I can do it... but I can see it tiring me out). I like academia to some extent (I wouldn't absolutely hate teaching higher education students, I can practice my writing and improve, and I sort of have an idea of how I would like my research would develop after I complete my PhD). So yes, I can do it and I can make it work in the Ivory Tower. But I do want to explore what's outside of academia. I don't see myself purely as a basic science. I want to see how research really impacts humans out their in the real world.

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