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Did anyone else apply to the MA/PhD program at Boulder? I saw a couple of acceptances go out awhile ago but there hasn't been any news since. My application still says "In Review," has anyone contacted the department or have any idea when they will be sending out decisions?

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On 3/10/2010 at 10:32 PM, hadunc said:

Did anyone else apply to the MA/PhD program at Boulder? I saw a couple of acceptances go out awhile ago but there hasn't been any news since. My application still says "In Review," has anyone contacted the department or have any idea when they will be sending out decisions?

Hadunc, I can't even figure out any place on their online system to track my application status! Their online resources seem a little deficient for a top tier school. I am desperate to find out about my app to CU. I own a home here and can't sell it, and although I have some other offers, not getting into CU would thoroughly disrupt my life. I am thankful for choices, but can't decide if I should call because I am afraid of preempting a rejection (I know that's just paranoid but still) and I can't find any info. Where are you seeing "In Review" ?

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OK, I just logged back on and it does say in review - this was not there before. I got a call from another school tonight where I am waitlisted. he said that the budget limits was throwing "all of north america into chaos" this application season. I can understand not being able to make more offers than they have space, and the waitlist process, but the few admits I saw at CU were not enough. Seriously? Like they can't just do something rational, like contact all of their admits? Even if I am rejected, I just need to know :) I know, I know, impatient. Like all of us here...

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OK, I just logged back on and it does say in review - this was not there before. I got a call from another school tonight where I am waitlisted. he said that the budget limits was throwing "all of north america into chaos" this application season. I can understand not being able to make more offers than they have space, and the waitlist process, but the few admits I saw at CU were not enough. Seriously? Like they can't just do something rational, like contact all of their admits? Even if I am rejected, I just need to know :) I know, I know, impatient. Like all of us here...

That's interesting--mine has said "In Review" since early February. I'm giving it until the 15th before I contact them to ask. I noticed that the acceptances were to the PhD program, and that makes sense since departments usually make PhD decisions first, but I haven't seen any MA acceptances or rejections, so I think that means there might still be some hope for us, but who knows! I'll let you know if I get any more info.

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That's interesting--mine has said "In Review" since early February. I'm giving it until the 15th before I contact them to ask. I noticed that the acceptances were to the PhD program, and that makes sense since departments usually make PhD decisions first, but I haven't seen any MA acceptances or rejections, so I think that means there might still be some hope for us, but who knows! I'll let you know if I get any more info.

Sigh. I am a PhD app. I finished my master's in denver. I have a 4.0 and an 800 on the gre, and no call. I am totally fricken bummed. Keep me posted, and good luck. Colorado is pretty crappy on funding, so hopefully you will get some dollars...

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On 3/11/2010 at 2:46 AM, BrandiGrad said:

Sigh. I am a PhD app. I finished my master's in denver. I have a 4.0 and an 800 on the gre, and no call. I am totally fricken bummed. Keep me posted, and good luck. Colorado is pretty crappy on funding, so hopefully you will get some dollars...

Yeah, I know the funding situation isn't so great at CU, plus it's an expensive city, and I didn't apply for a TAship because you needed extra recommendations addressing your previous teaching experience (which I don't have), so I'm thinking that if I do get in it will be unfunded and I'll have to turn it down anyway. Which is unfortunate because I think the program would have been a really good fit for me. I'd still like a decision from them though.

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On 3/11/2010 at 2:54 AM, hadunc said:

Yeah, I know the funding situation isn't so great at CU, plus it's an expensive city, and I didn't apply for a TAship because you needed extra recommendations addressing your previous teaching experience (which I don't have), so I'm thinking that if I do get in it will be unfunded and I'll have to turn it down anyway. Which is unfortunate because I think the program would have been a really good fit for me. I'd still like a decision from them though.

I hear you, but my sense is that here in CU, they do not combine the Phd with the MA for the sole purpose of taking every penny they can from the MA student. I got not scholarship one from my Colorado graduate program. I got a TAship, but they didn't even waive or rebate tuition.

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Hadunc, I called and spoke to just a darling (not) helpful (not) woman named Peggy who politely (not) informed me that while all letters would be going out today and tomorrow, they "didn't have to send out anything until April 15." I thought, No, sweetheart, that's when your taxes are due."

Seriously? I should be grateful that she learned how to manage a mailmerge before April 15? I hope they lose their best candidates.

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Hadunc, I called and spoke to just a darling (not) helpful (not) woman named Peggy who politely (not) informed me that while all letters would be going out today and tomorrow, they "didn't have to send out anything until April 15." I thought, No, sweetheart, that's when your taxes are due."

Seriously? I should be grateful that she learned how to manage a mailmerge before April 15? I hope they lose their best candidates.

Um, wow. Not a very good first impression of the school at all! At least letters are going out so we'll know either way soon. I hope her attitude doesn't reflect the rest of the department. That doesn't give me warm fuzzy feelings at all.

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Um, wow. Not a very good first impression of the school at all! At least letters are going out so we'll know either way soon. I hope her attitude doesn't reflect the rest of the department. That doesn't give me warm fuzzy feelings at all.

Me too. It's true that it's a busy time for them but you would think that they would want to protect some of their public persona and have a standard response that didn't sound so cranky. Oh well. It was pretty ugly. She was abrupt and said very coldly "We do not give out this information on the phone. So just wait for your mail."

Funny how the same message could have been delivered so much more nicely. Oh well ! I took one for the team lol!

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Me too. It's true that it's a busy time for them but you would think that they would want to protect some of their public persona and have a standard response that didn't sound so cranky. Oh well. It was pretty ugly. She was abrupt and said very coldly "We do not give out this information on the phone. So just wait for your mail."

Funny how the same message could have been delivered so much more nicely. Oh well ! I took one for the team lol!

You certainly did, thank you very much!

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Hadunc, I called and spoke to just a darling (not) helpful (not) woman named Peggy who politely (not) informed me that while all letters would be going out today and tomorrow, they "didn't have to send out anything until April 15." I thought, No, sweetheart, that's when your taxes are due."

Seriously? I should be grateful that she learned how to manage a mailmerge before April 15? I hope they lose their best candidates.

Thanks, BrandiGrad, for this information! I can't believe you were confronted with such rudeness. Unbelievable. I applied to CU-Boulder and just reading this was a *major* turn off for me.

I had a similar experience with someone in their department (probably the same woman) this past November. I found their website to be unclear and sent a quick email to double-check whether my GRE should be sent to the graduate school, the department or both. It was a pretty straightforward question and I wasn't obnoxious--lots of thank yous and all. The response I received gave me the answer in a very abrupt, curt manner and then the woman who wrote it felt that it was necessary to inform me that if I had just perused the website "correctly" the answer to this question would have been obvious; the response was, overall, extremely rude and distasteful....I mean, seriously, I'm so sorry for double-checking because each school handles things differently, the website was convoluted, and I didn't want my application fee/all the work I've put in to go to waste.

I am completely turned off by CU-Boulder right now. Ugh.

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Thanks, BrandiGrad, for this information! I can't believe you were confronted with such rudeness. Unbelievable. I applied to CU-Boulder and just reading this was a *major* turn off for me.

I had a similar experience with someone in their department (probably the same woman) this past November. I found their website to be unclear and sent a quick email to double-check whether my GRE should be sent to the graduate school, the department or both. It was a pretty straightforward question and I wasn't obnoxious--lots of thank yous and all. The response I received gave me the answer in a very abrupt, curt manner and then the woman who wrote it felt that it was necessary to inform me that if I had just perused the website "correctly" the answer to this question would have been obvious; the response was, overall, extremely rude and distasteful....I mean, seriously, I'm so sorry for double-checking because each school handles things differently, the website was convoluted, and I didn't want my application fee/all the work I've put in to go to waste.

I am completely turned off by CU-Boulder right now. Ugh.

Divine, well now that we see how rude they are, I think it is safe to point out that they have the most cheap ass looking website I have dealt with thus far - and I did 16 apps! I didn't realize there was a correct "way" to peruse a website that posts zero info about their current cohorts, allows their deprtment meeting calendar to be the front porch of their welcome, and looks like someone had a "friend" with a sickening penchant for marroon build it.

Well. I do feel better now.

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Divine, well now that we see how rude they are, I think it is safe to point out that they have the most cheap ass looking website I have dealt with thus far - and I did 16 apps! I didn't realize there was a correct "way" to peruse a website that posts zero info about their current cohorts, allows their deprtment meeting calendar to be the front porch of their welcome, and looks like someone had a "friend" with a sickening penchant for marroon build it.

Well. I do feel better now.

Wholeheartedly agreed! Ranting definitely helps...

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On 3/11/2010 at 4:45 PM, BrandiGrad said:

Divine, well now that we see how rude they are, I think it is safe to point out that they have the most cheap ass looking website I have dealt with thus far - and I did 16 apps! I didn't realize there was a correct "way" to peruse a website that posts zero info about their current cohorts, allows their deprtment meeting calendar to be the front porch of their welcome, and looks like someone had a "friend" with a sickening penchant for marroon build it.

Well. I do feel better now.

HAHA! Oh this is so true. My fiance designs web sites and I write web copy part-time so I generally know a good web site when I see it and Boulder's looks like it was designed sometime back in the '90s by a high school student. Not only is it not aesthetically pleasing but it's very hard to navigate. And Branwen, I also took note of how vague they are about funding, and from what Brandi has told us it seems unlikely we'll get good funding packages. Screw 'em!


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I think I just found out I was accepted in the strangest way possible. I just found an email in my inbox from a staff member at the school who apparently forgot to enclose some important information in the envelope with my letter (which I have yet to receive). The attachment is a list of tuition prices, fees, etc. as well as placement records for their past PhD grads. I can't believe I'm finding out this way though. Unless they just want those rejected to know what their missing! :P

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Hahah Congrats (I think). I can't wait for you to get the letter so that we can confirm they are just inefficient rather than downright awful and evil heheheh. Handunc, you go this! Congrats!

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I think I just found out I was accepted in the strangest way possible. I just found an email in my inbox from a staff member at the school who apparently forgot to enclose some important information in the envelope with my letter (which I have yet to receive). The attachment is a list of tuition prices, fees, etc. as well as placement records for their past PhD grads. I can't believe I'm finding out this way though. Unless they just want those rejected to know what their missing! :P

Me too!! I think this is particularly hysterical considering our conversations about the disorganization of the website and their very rude secretary/assistant. I also think it's hilarious that, assuming we are accepted, the person couldn't just say congratulations--like we haven't figured it out already!

I suppose I might have just counted a chicken before it hatched, but I can't imagine why they'd be sending this information to rejected applicants...

Congrats hadunc!

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Well, I got my letter today. I actually went into work late to get the mail because I was rejected by Vandy this morning and thought mybe something nice would come in the mail. CU had "over 90 applicants for a cohort of 8 PhD students" I am currently #3 on the waitlist. I really don't know if I want t make it off th waitlist - I could be more challenged by HAVING to move, right??!

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I also got the email with the pdf attachment. Has anyone actually received the snail mail supposed acceptance? If so, any funding, or are we going to be fronting the bill on this one?

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Wow, somebody in their office really dropped the ball if this many people got emails! I found it a little strange as well that they couldn't just say "oh btw you're accepted." That would have been nicer than the curt email they sent.

Brandigrad, if you're #3 on the waitlist you probably have a good chance of getting in. I'm 99% sure I'll be turning down my offer. I just got my final funding offer from another PhD program and I will most likely be accepting it. I really hope that helps you out!.

I checked the mail today but still no letter. I'll be going out of town this weekend so I may not see it for a while. If anyone else receives theirs in the meantime could you please post some basic info about what it says? Thanks!

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Robert: I have no clue on money. I've heard that Colorado is pretty sketchy, in general, when it comes to funding. I think everybody's best shot is a TAship...?

BrandiGrad: I, also, am 99% positive I will be turning down my offer as well. Like hadunc, I have another offer from a school that includes a fellowship and is a much better fit. I applied for the M.A. program, so I'm not sure if this would help you or not. Do they have a combined waitlist for the M.A. and Ph.D. programs? Good luck to you!

I would guess that I should have my letter by Saturday if they really sent them on Wednesday. Otherwise, I'll be out of town all weekend and it will have to wait until Tuesday when I get back. Boo.

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I got my acceptance letter today (to the MA program)! Though it seems like everything was there, I'm pretty confused by the financial stuff. The offer is a 25% time (10 hours a week) teaching assistant appointment in Spring 2011 which would pay $3,821 and include a tuition waiver for 5 hours of credits (but not fees). So I'd have to pay for my courses in Fall 2010...and tuition isn't that cheap (6 credits would cost $7,782, as an out of state resident (which I'd be, I think) if I'm reading the form correctly--plus a lot of fees and insurance). And it's not indicated at all what my funding options would be following 2011...

I can't really figure out what I'd end up having to pay because I don't really understand this credit hour stuff (my undergrad institution had 1 course = 1 credit); if each course is 3 credits and you need 30 credits over 2 years I guess I'd want to be taking 2 or 3 courses a semester? 9 credits would cost $11,673!

The 90s website isn't helping. If anyone is more expert in Academic Hermeneutics please advise.

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On 3/12/2010 at 5:41 PM, anewersevres said:

I got my acceptance letter today (to the MA program)! Though it seems like everything was there, I'm pretty confused by the financial stuff. The offer is a 25% time (10 hours a week) teaching assistant appointment in Spring 2011 which would pay $3,821 and include a tuition waiver for 5 hours of credits (but not fees). So I'd have to pay for my courses in Fall 2010...and tuition isn't that cheap (6 credits would cost $7,782, as an out of state resident (which I'd be, I think) if I'm reading the form correctly--plus a lot of fees and insurance). And it's not indicated at all what my funding options would be following 2011...

I can't really figure out what I'd end up having to pay because I don't really understand this credit hour stuff (my undergrad institution had 1 course = 1 credit); if each course is 3 credits and you need 30 credits over 2 years I guess I'd want to be taking 2 or 3 courses a semester? 9 credits would cost $11,673!

The 90s website isn't helping. If anyone is more expert in Academic Hermeneutics please advise.

OK, here's what I can contribute - and grats all, on acceptances!

CU holds different applications for MA vs PhD. They are accepting 6 - 8 PhDs. I have no idea on MA numbers. Some PhDs are funded.

But here is what I know about the CU system, which is, classes are 3 credit hours and the rates are charged as 3, so a 5 credit tuition waiver would cover one and 2/3 class per year or semester, what ever the offer is. The MA in the CU system, as far as I know, is 30 - 33 credit hours. I would say in order to finish in 2 years your would take 3 classes per semester, along with some summer credits. The problem with 3 courses per semester without summer credits is that your final semester becomes pretty impossible. Not only would you be taking a normal load of 3 courses (and as a lit student that means research papers), but you would also be learning a foreign language (if needed in order to meet the requirement) and doing the directed readings for the MA comprehensive exam (or, god forbid, a thesis. People. DO NOT DO A THESIS FOR YOUR MA. It is pointless. You will change and it will not be "right" for you in five years - ) I say, be exquisitely uncomfortable for four months over moderately uncomfortable for 2 years....

Anyways, on top of classes, MA exams, by then you may be teaching. And grading... So be careful about the final semester. It is worth considering summer classes to help out in the final semester. The downside? Well, I am in it. I am in my fifth semester straight (considering summer) of grad school and I am tiiirrreeeedddd :( !!!

So my thoughts, for what it's worth. Colorado is 49th in the nation for higher ed funding. If you can get better funding in an MA program elsewhere, consider it carefully.

One more thing, to those of you fresh from the BA. I have never met a single soul who wasn't positively flooded with work and struggling to keep up with 3 courses. I have yet to meet an MA taking four. I think at the PhD level, you take four sometimes, but a few things happen. One, you triage more because no one is going to deny you admission anywhere if you get a B. Also, as a PhD you are not allowed to accept a second job, so you have more time to focus, I hear... Again - three classes is plenty at the MA level... just a thought.

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