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Harvard GSE vs. TC vs. NYU


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Dear All,

I don't aim to be insensitive whilst people are still waiting to hear back from these schools, but I wanted to genuninely appeal for info and thoughts about these programs. I know too little about these schools, especially relative to one another, and I was hoping the community might be able offer some insights. The programs I have been accepted to are:

Harvard - Learning & Teaching (MA)

TC - Teaching of English - Professional Cert. (MA)

NYU - English Education - Professional Cert. (MA)

Here’s what I’m thinking:

TC is probably the best choice for my future classroom teaching. I have been teaching English Lit overseas for 2 years and have completely loved it. The TC program thus looks really wonderful - sitting in rooms talking with other teachers and professionals about how we teach English. They even have specific courses to this end (Teaching Poetry, Teaching Shakespeare, etc.) NYU is a version of that program, but with (as near as I can tell) fewer practical courses. The Harvard program meanwhile, while not English, is hugely attractive because of name and reputation. For instance, if I decide I don’t want to classroom teach forever – and I want to go into policy or change fields or apply for a pHD – having Harvard on my record is about as much “name” clout as I could get ask for. Of the three, does Harvard not carry the most credit both in and out of the Education world? Add to that incredible intellectual community and it's a hard thing to pass up. My 18-year-old self could never imagine turning down a Harvard admission of any kind, but I do have some other considerations now.

I therefore see my chief dilemma as one of practical (near-future) application VS. name/reputation/long-term benefit. It's one of English-specialty versus general ed. application.

I fear that funding offers may end up playing a huge role in what I actually decide, but in the meantime I'm open to any and all thoughts from the kind public on these schools.

Many thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi dfree 86,

I used this forum last year for the same questions, and didn't get any good answers, so I hope I can help. I am finishing up my Ed.M. at HGSE right now, and went through the same thought process as you did when it came to selecting school last year.

To cut to the chase: I have been fairly disappointed with the Master's program here. While not in the same focus area as you (I am in the Mind, Brain, and Education program), I have heard similar complaints across the board. The Ed school has faced the same budget constraints of other universities during the recession, and thus has doubled the size of incoming Master's classes, without adding faculty or staff. I have only had one class that had less than 25 people in it, and it was technically through the Kennedy school of government, not the Ed school. I also have yet to have a face to face conversation with my advisor this year. So while the name is flashy (at least once you are outside of Boston), I would strongly urge you to go with the program that you know to be of the highest quality (which sounds like TC from your description) rather than the flashy name.

Hope this helps!

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That's a really interesting (and useful) perspective, Jesbriwell. Thanks for it.

I'm coming up to visit Harvard at the end of next week (as well as TC and NYU at the end of this week). I'm going to talk to a current student and Irene Pak (program coordinator). Maybe talk to a professor too.

Anything I should know about coming to visit? Or anything you'd recommend? I really do want to find the program that's best for me and I appreciate the info.

The TC program looks more suited to my classroom teaching on paper (content-wise, anyway), but I now know that the L&T program at HGSE allows for 3 electives - all of which I could take in English Lit classes if I wanted.

Maybe I'll try to sit in on a class so I can get a sense at both places of the dynamic you're talking about.



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I hope your visit goes well- I am sure that will be the most useful in deciding!

I would ask really specific questions about the size of your cohort, average class size for your core courses, and the relationship you can expect to have with your advisor.

The flexibility of electives at HGSE really is great- I am taking a course at the Kennedy school this semester that I really enjoy. This is where knowing the input you'll get from your advisor could come in handy: I wasn't sure how to navigate the elective selection process, and had no input from my advisor. Other programs seem to do a better job in that area than mine, so it would be good to know up front.

Good luck, and if you want some good restaurants or bars while you're in Cambridge- skip Harvard square and go to Inman or Davis square- waaaaay better choices!

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I hope your visit goes well- I am sure that will be the most useful in deciding!

I would ask really specific questions about the size of your cohort, average class size for your core courses, and the relationship you can expect to have with your advisor.

The flexibility of electives at HGSE really is great- I am taking a course at the Kennedy school this semester that I really enjoy. This is where knowing the input you'll get from your advisor could come in handy: I wasn't sure how to navigate the elective selection process, and had no input from my advisor. Other programs seem to do a better job in that area than mine, so it would be good to know up front.

Good luck, and if you want some good restaurants or bars while you're in Cambridge- skip Harvard square and go to Inman or Davis square- waaaaay better choices!

Thanks again, Jesbriwell. I've just returned from visiting NYU and TC and really loved them both. TC looked pretty unbelievable, so we'll see. I'm heading to Harvard on Friday - meeting with the program coordinator and hopefully a student. Looks like I'm not the only one in the TC/HGSE boat. Any other input before I head off?

Still waiting on money!

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