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Topic: The best way to teach is to praise positive actions and ignore negative ones.

The statement claims that the best way to teach is acknowledging good actions and ignore the negative and wrong ones however in my opinion this statement can't be fully true and there is some fallacies in it.

Teachers all around the world have always recognized the good actions of their students and they have always acknowledged them and rewarded them. Not only teachers, companies and offices there is always some type of recognition and they recognize hard work and efforts which are considered as good actions through employee of the week or employee of the month and they have some awards for the ones chosen.  The basic concept of all the recognition processes is to motivate the individual and encourage them to do more good actions.

However on the other hand wrong actions have always been noticed and recognized. Teachers always discuss the wrong actions and mistakes that their students do and they let them know how to correct it. We all have heard that man learns by mistakes and we all have felt this in our lives. For example the main purpose of all the quizzes and exams in school is to identify the mistakes that students have done and teach them how to correct it. Many of us as students have learned a lot from our mistakes that we made during our school times, because by understanding our mistakes and our weaknesses, we tried to find the solutions and learn how to resolve them.  

Furthermore another reason that negative actions need to be identified is to let people know what they've done is wrong. If we ignore a mistake or a wrong action that someone has done, the person won't know that he had done wrong and keeps on doing it. For example let's mention children and the way their parents teach them the right things. If a child does something wrong, his/her  parents notice it immediately and they discuss it with the child in order to let him/her know it was wrong so the kid stops doing that. Just imagine what kind of world we could have had if parents had always ignored their children's wrong actions!

In conclusion it is both necessary to acknowledge good actions to keep the individual encouraged and inspired, and also recognize the wrong actions in order to let them know that it's wrong and teach them how to correct it.

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