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I was just wondering... what are some things people are thinking about / considering as you approach your final decision? what issues do you think will influence you most in the end?

Also, what are some questions you are asking of your programs? I've got about two weeks left to make a decision, and I'm trying to think of questions to ask of faculty, administration, current students etc before my time is up.

Some issues that have been stewing in my brain:

* taking on loans/finances

* relocating (my family is west coast, close friends are east coast)

* weather

* school reputation

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I was just wondering... what are some things people are thinking about / considering as you approach your final decision? what issues do you think will influence you most in the end?

Also, what are some questions you are asking of your programs? I've got about two weeks left to make a decision, and I'm trying to think of questions to ask of faculty, administration, current students etc before my time is up.

Some issues that have been stewing in my brain:

* taking on loans/finances

* relocating (my family is west coast, close friends are east coast)

* weather

* school reputation




Owe a lot-don't have a lot-need a lot

Also if the place and or school I go to is an area I can chill in for a bit and either show or work instead of having to up and move after 2yrs.

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Everyone is, of course, unique. My criteria was as follows:

1. Reputation of faculty and alumni work..(It was all about what was coming out of the school...)

2. Curriculum/Program structure

3. Location; I own a home in DC and didn't want to move too far. Also, I have to agree with Spaced Out...You want to live in the community you are making work in for a while, because it helps your following and might give way to exhibition opportunities.

4. Funding

Funding was not my biggest concern, because I just didn't even apply to ones that didn't give enough funding. I knew someone on the panel at Columbia. She encouraged me to apply, but at the end of the day, I heard the debt there is astronomical and the commute that would come with living in 2 cities would have killed me and my marriage...so....

cool.gif Good luck.

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