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Past the point of no return!

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So, I've been away a while. I've been busy. One thing I've learned from this whole grad school thing is that it is a full time job, and that part of that job entails faculty connections. Other parts of that job, right now, for me, include figuring out how to make it work. Time and money, that is.

So the deal is, I've readmitted to my alma mater as an undergrad with full access to restricted courses. I've talked with advisors and profs and family and friends and many of you. Beginning this May, I'll be taking a course called... get this, it is really up my alley and very exciting... "Topics in Multicultural Literature: Postcolonial Studies: Literature and Globalization." Bloody amazing-sounding, if you ask me. Then, in July, I'll take my first intro course to theory.

Now that I'm a registered, deposited, enrolled student, I am indeed past the point of no return. And what's cool about that, to me, is that I have no idea how this will turn out, and so it is the process itself that I must embrace. Not to be melodramatic, but scaling back / quitting a wonderful job (I don't know which it will be yet, mostly depends on my boss) in favor of the great unknown happens to be a sort of life-changing decision for me. I wonder how many of you I'll meet in person in the future... Go us. Go English Lit. Go Creative Writing. Go Rhetoric and Composition. Hell, go Humanities! Good luck to us all! What an insanely wild ride!

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Ha ha. It's good to see someone so excited. This is kind of how I felt when I switched from IR to English Lit....I was exhilirated, mostly because I knew it was the right choice for me (career woes aside).

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