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Hi all! I am going into my senior year at CSU Sacramento this August, my major is social work. I plan to start applying for CSU MSW programs once they open sometime in November, however I feel that I won't have enough experience to get in.


Cumulative GPA: 3.2--average

Experience: 144 hours working with adults with developmental disabilities by application time, 192 hours of interning with families explaining resources and services for an agency. Also have 60 hours from last year of volunteering at the food bank as an administrative assistant/cal-fresh assistant.

I plan on applying to: CSULB, CSUEB, CSUS, CSUF, and CSUN. Any tips about the application process at all would be helpful. Thank you! :)

Any other CSU BSW's rn preparing to apply?


Hey consider joining our FB page "California Schools of Social Work MSW Applicant Support Group" there are others in your same boat and we all help each other with stuff like this. I think it's a big deal that you are getting your BSW. That means you could apply for advanced standing with some programs potentially. Even though you may not have as much field experience as SOME others, you have a BSW and that's going to count for something. I think letters of recommendation are going to be important for you in addition to the hours. So those places you interned, do you have an MSW or LCSW supervisor who could write you a glowing letter of rec? How about a social work professor? As for your specific number of hours, most schools suggest people apply with a year or two of experience, but people get in with less than that all the time. Do the majority of people with less than that get in? Not sure but that's why it's smart to apply to multiple programs like you are, and I'd also encourage you to get an early start and to apply and submit everything as close to the opening of apps as possible. CSULB is highly competitive and does admission on a rolling basis, meaning those who apply first have a better shot of getting in. I heard they had basically their whole cohort figured out within that first month. I personally applied there a year ago and dropped my packet off the first week, and got in. I believe CSUN is that way as well, but they aren't as competitive as CSULB. CSUF takes forever, they don't interview till like April and start releasing admission decisions in May usually. Anyhow the best thing you can do is to make a strong resume that highlights leadership and distinguishes you, that shows that in the short time you had those roles you described as your experience, you really got all you could out of that time and did great. I hope something in here helps, consider joining our group for additional support.


Thank you very much for replying! Also do you think it would be worth my time to start early on my POS , LB has their last year questions still up. However I know the questions may change. I have already start working on my resume as well. Are there any free online certifications I can do to add to my resume to make me stand out more?

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