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Issue Task - First time practice [Open to criticism and advices and gradings]


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“Investments in life-saving technology are more valuable than investments in technology related to entertainment or luxury.”      

           It is not too exaggerated to say that 21st century is a milestone is of technology. Every industry is striving to invest in technology in order to create innovation and produce the highest values. The prompt states that with so many applications of technology, investments in life-saving turn out to be more valuable than in entertainment or luxury. I strongly agree with this statement that values from investments in life-saving technology will always outperform in entertainment or luxury for two reasons.      

           To begin with, all the values produced by entertainment or luxury industries all come from human beings. Entertainment or luxury products will only be valuable and bring profits to companies when there is a market of demand, which of course consists of human beings. Therefore, a healthy life of human is the foundation of every industry that is built upon the consumer market. Consequently, investments in life-saving technology is much more valuable and essential than the others, since the investments in entertainment or luxury technology will only realize their values when we have a healthy and stable market demand. For instance, during World War I, every country involved in the war was enduring an extremely tough period, when people were poor and unhealthy. Back at the time, people cared about nothing but their life and health, so their only demand were supplies that can support their lives. Entertainment and luxury were too far away from them without a healthy and stable life. However, after World War II, finally the political relation between countries have become rather stable, and people no longer need to suffer from death or illness because of consistent wars, life span of human beings start to increase astonishingly, and then bring about a promising economic boom with a growth in nearly every industry.      

            Further, nowadays with relative political and economical stabilities, entertainment and luxury can only be available by specific classes, where people have enough money to spend not only on daily supplies but also products to entertain them and demonstrate their social economic status. However, we cannot ignore there are still a lot of people struggling to survive everyday. They cannot purchase any of entertainment or luxury product but have to spend their very little amount of money on basic supplies to maintain their lives. Take the special-care patients in hospital for example. They are those identified as low income household that won’t have any resource of entertainment or luxury, but they do often appear in a hospital due to their health issues resulted from the low living quality. It is proved that the demand of health and life saving always comes before entertainment and luxury. Therefore, with a much bigger and more necessary market demand, investments in life-saving technology will indeed generate more values than the others like entertainment or luxury.      

           People may argue that the profits of entertainment and luxury products may be far bigger than the live-saving ones; however, as proved that the profits will always come a stable consumer market that consists of heathy human beings; consequently, no matter it is of explicit or actual values, life-saving technology will always be more crucial and valuable than entertainment and luxury technology.

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