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Ok. I am looking for some insight. A good friend of mine (my sister) is trying to sort out her references for her graduate school application. She has two SOLID references. One is from a former job where she did research and had an employer who adored her and the other is from a professor she had for two years straight in a relevant field and was close to. For her third, she has been at a loss. While talking through it with her, I thought of her using her guidance counselor. Now hear me out. Her counselor has his Ph.D. (although not in her field, but in a totally unrelated discipline) and does not teach standard classes. That being said, he started the department club in the medium she is potentially interested in pursuing grad school (She does food science and has some interest in fermentation science). (He is a self-taught expert in fermentation which is how he got the job in her department advising students).

Beyond this, she changed her major half-way through college which is why she does not have the most connections in her department. She does have a near 4.0 GPA though. This advisor helped her through that hurdle and, with hard work observed by him, is doing what would take most students three years in two.

Do you think he would be a good reference for her or do you think she should take a step back and pick someone who likely does not know her as well? Will two strong references balance out a potentially weaker third? Any other professors she would ask have simply not had the time to get to know her in the way that her other references have. Any insight would be amazing!!! Thank you in advance to anyone with some advice.


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