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This morning I received a letter stating my application would not be considered for further review due to not meeting the minimum requirement (GPA). I graduated with my Bachelors Degree over 10 years ago, my GPA is C average. Over the past two years, I've taken multiple prerequisite courses and have attained a 4.0 but to raise the overall GPA is quite challenging. The program I applied to claims they look at students in a "holistic manner" , however, if that were the case, then why wasn't my application reviewed completely? I'm not sure how to proceed. Do I continue to take courses during Post Bacc, apply to other programs? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

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10 minutes ago, CoffeeGirl74 said:

This morning I received a letter stating my application would not be considered for further review due to not meeting the minimum requirement (GPA). I graduated with my Bachelors Degree over 10 years ago, my GPA is C average. Over the past two years, I've taken multiple prerequisite courses and have attained a 4.0 but to raise the overall GPA is quite challenging. The program I applied to claims they look at students in a "holistic manner" , however, if that were the case, then why wasn't my application reviewed completely? I'm not sure how to proceed. Do I continue to take courses during Post Bacc, apply to other programs? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 

I'm sorry that you heard this news. That sounds very frustrating considering the work you've put in to raise your GPA. In my previous job, I worked with students applying to school (though never with students applying to MSW programs) and I find that most admission offices will be forthcoming if you reach out directly. I'd try crafting a very polite email reiterating your interest in attending the school and explaining 1) any extenuating circumstances that led to your GPA a decade ago and 2) your coursework since then. Then, I'd ask directly if they could suggest a path forward for future admission cycles. 

For future applications, you might also attach an addendum explaining the same (past grades and highlighting academic work since then) or you might touch upon this in your personal statement.


Thank you for reviewing my application. Although I am disappointed that I will not receive further consideration, I am grateful for you time and attention.

I am writing because I remain very interested in attending [SCHOOL] and am eager to take any steps that would make me a competitive applicant in the future. When I was an undergraduate student ten years ago, I achieved uneven grades due to [explanation]. Since then, I have worked hard to improve my record, achieving a 4.0 in the pre-requisite courses in which I have enrolled. [Are the pre-req courses at the school you're applying to? If so, it might help to list them.]

I understand the need to meet a minimum GPA requirement and I would be very grateful if you could suggest any work I might be able to do to bolster my application for future cycles.


That's just suggested language and you'd want it to be in your voice, but hopefully it helps a little. Good luck! It can be so frustrating, but I know so many students who end up at terrific programs after a disappointing admission cycle.  

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