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The claim that the rapid pace of life creates more problems than is solves has become a popular lament of those yearning for a time when life progressed at a slower, more relaxed rate. However, there is little evidence to back up this idea, and in fact, the problems solved by this new increase in speed that life takes far outweighs any conplications it may pose. 

In young people, the rapid pace of life often manifests itself in rapid and intense curriculums in schools. This burst of learning is anything but problematic. With a rapid pace, children are able to increase the amount of knowlege they consume while in school, leading to an influx of more educated adult citizens. This rapid pace in school also results in busy students. One problem faced by society, especially in urban areas, is bordem amoung youth, which often results deliquancy outside of the academic setting. By keeping young students busy, this rapid pace of education keeps them off the streets and necessitates that they instead spend their time concentrating on their studies. The more youth are challenged, the more they will arise to the higher expectations placed upon them. 

The rapidity of life today also encourages fast paced development of technology, and the issues which this technology solves are an invaluable consiquence of this on a global level. The pressure to work, think and innovate at an intense pace has led to an exponential increase in the quality and amount of technology people have access to in their daily lives. For example, the speed and dedication of the employees of Apple have led them to go from producing the iPod to the handheld supercomputer which is the iPhone in only a few years. Portable devices like the iPhone have allowed everything from the elimination of the fear of getting lost with the advent of Apple maps and a tiny GPS chip, to the ability to communicate distress in a dangerous situation at the press of a button when a landline would otherwise be unavailable. The rapid pace of life has also encouraged fast paced innovation in the medical sector. With doctors intensly dedicated to solving medical questions, treatments and solutions to difficult diseases have emerged where they otherwise would not, such as the rapid research of treatments to a contagious disease as soon as it emerges. Without the quickening of the pace of life, many of the technologies we rely on today to solve the issues we face daily would have taken much longer to develop.

There may arise the argument that this fast pace of life is a hinderance to people being able to socialize, creating the problem of decreased well-being and increased mental health issues. Afterall, doesn't the dedication of time to work result in less time spent with others? However, one must remember the technology developed within this time of dedication to work has allowed us to communicate with friends and loved ones in ways unpresidented. With the advent of Skype, one is able to talk face-to-face with someone on the other side of the world. Additionally, students' afore mentioned increase in the time dedicated to studies encourages them to reach out and spend more time with their classmates as they collaborate on projects and study for exams. The consiquences of the fast pace of life have, in fact, allowed us to connected us in ways we never would have been able to otherwise. 

While the complaint that the pace of life has become overwhelmingly fast is a common one, without this pace, many of the problems we previously encountered without it would still plague us today.

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