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Hi there.

I'm thinking about getting the CS degree. Do i need an advanced level of mathematics? What subsets of mathematics are needed at university for the CS? Or do i have to be a pro in math?

  • 2 months later...

Hey A2020Nv, computer science in its most general form is mathematics. That being said, there is a decent amount of mathematics in computer science, however, the mathematical "language" is different. Some mathematics classes that many students seeking a CS degree may take are: differential calculus, integral calculus, discrete mathematics, statistics, probability, and linear algebra. Depending on what you plan to do with your CS degree after college will determine the subsets of mathematics that you'll end up needing. I am a fourth year computer science student who wasn't a huge math fanatic my first year of college. I did end up taking many mathematics courses and it grew on me.

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