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Going back to school for an MSW in Ontario, I currently have an MA in International Relations and African Studies, with five years of experience working in global public health



Hi there, 

I'm hoping to get some advice about admissions for Canadian MSW programs, specifically U of T. I have a BA in International Relations and a combined MA in International Affairs and African Studies. I've worked in the field as a policy analyst for over five years with the last 2.5 years spent working in global public health. 

It's been difficult to find any information about students applying to MSW programs who are coming from different careers. I'm specifically interested to know the criteria the university uses to determine whether your "experience (voluntary or paid" in the social services or related field and knowledge of critical social issues..." meets their admissions requirements. 

I also understand that U of T is a highly competitive program - if anyone has recently gone through the admissions process or has any additional information about applicants who don't have a social work background, but have a keen interest and desire to work in the field, or who have started the program after leaving a different career path I would be very grateful for your advice or suggestions!

Thanks in advance :) 

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