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University of Tokyo - Engineering Masters Programs (IME, G30, IGP, UBE/ENV, etc.)


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Hope it's ok to start this thread. I just wanted to give U Tokyo engineering applications a place to share updates. As for myself, I've finished the interview and am waiting for the results now. Feel free to ask me anything even if you're not applying right now.

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  • 10 months later...

Hi Adam,

Glad to see you're interested. As you may know, Japan has been banning foreigners for about 2 years now, and I just finished the first semester online. Just based off this, I would say that the biggest difference is that you can take many courses in a semester, because each course is shorter and with much less homework. Whereas in North America, a typical course might have assignments every week or two, Japanese classes have them every semester! Each course also only involves one lecture a week, no tutorials/labs. Research-wise, I just worked at a normal pace and my supervisors have been pleased so far. I do think it depends heavily on your supervisor/lab culture. Some really traditional labs might expect you to do the whole nomikai and stuff often. I can't comment on that, but my lab is very international, so I think it's probably somewhat flexible/westernized. Overall workload hasn't been bad at all.

Entrance exams: as you probably know from this thread title, these are the english language programs, so we don't do the grueling Japanese entrance exams/interviews you see in anime etc. Each program has an admissions guidance document, which lists the documents required very clearly, and you'll almost always need to do an interview (2 if you applying for like MEXT with university recommendation). You almost always apply to a supervisor beforehand, as all grad school programs in Japan are research based. The interview is usually led by this prospective supervisor, who brings along a daimyo's proces- I mean a few of their friends. Again, one of the documents required is usually a research plan (I recommend you follow the MEXT format even if you're not applying for it), which follows intro, knowledge gap, methods, timeline, etc. The profs will ask you about your research plan, as well as very general knowledge questions (e.g. how do we track global warming, what are some risk factors for the disease youre studying etc.), and finally about your interest in Japan. It's <15-20 min I'd say, and not very difficult as long as you address those points (especially the why Japan because they tend to end on that and it's like a point of genuine interest/pride I guess).

For my research plan, it was 1.5-2 pages following the MEXT format. I had a bit over 10 citations. It's not unlike any other research proposal really, if you've done one in undergrad. Japan likes its rules, so that's why try to follow their format.

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