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Former PhD student interviewing again



TLDR; I left a PhD program in 2021 because of a bad experience with a mentor. I have applied again and managed to get an interview at UPenn with an interested PI. Advice?


I have had a bad experience at my former University, and I reached out to a professor at UPenn who decided to give me a shot. I was not shortlisted on the application, but she spoke on my behalf to get me an interview. She wants to give me a chance to speak and interview. I am concerned since I am coming from a unique background and I would love some advice on how to handle questions related to my past. Furthermore, if anyone has information on how UPenn does admissions for the BioE department, I would be very grateful. My former school only required 1 interested professor to make an offer, but I am not entirely sure about Penn.

I would love advice on how to go into this interview and increase my chances of getting an offer.



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