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Harvard Bioengineering PhD - Chances of Rescinded Admission?



Hi everyone!

I was accepted into Harvard for Bioengineering PhD! I'm currently deciding between Harvard and another, less-prestigious PhD program, but I am a bit concerned about how a program as prestigious as Harvard would take to my current semester's grades. I'm currently on the track to have a semester full of Bs and potentially 1 or 2 Cs which is strongly contrasted to my previous A average. I've gotten sick multiple times this semester (thanks, lack of a mask mandate), and having to attend virtual/in-person interview weekends certainly hasn't helped.

This question may seem really stupid/overly anxious, but does anyone have any insight on how strict Harvard is with the last semester of undergrad's grades? Or can point me to the right contact? Chances of losing admission is a pretty large factor in which program I choose, so I'd hope to have an idea within the next few weeks.

Thank you, and good luck to others in the admission process!

Edited by miramiramira
clarification that I'm talking about current semester/last semester of undergrad (Spring 2022) instead of Fall 2022.
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