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What is the latest date you can take the GRE?


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So I want to take this test the end of September but I'm starting to wonder what the rush is. I've been studying, and will continue to through the early fall, have a job that allows me to work 15 hours a week and make enough to keep a roof over my head and pay my bills. Is it a travesty to wait until October? More time couldn't hurt if I have it. I don't have any programs that have a deadline of November, the earliest is mid December.


Edited by musicforfun
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October is fine, the scores will reach the schools in time for a December deadline. It's up to you really, some people prefer to get it out of the way earlier and focus on writing SOPs and the other parts of the applications.

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Keep in mind that scores typically take 10-15 days after you take the test to be received by your designated recipients. The only rush is the deadlines of your prospective programs.

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Two years ago, the first time I applied for Phd programs, I took it about 4 weeks before the deadline. That was a mistake. This past year, when I reapplied, I made sure to do it in October. That way I would know for sure that all of the paperwork would go through. But there is an argument to give yourself as much time to study as possible; I would do it 6 weeks before the application deadline at the latest. (Meaning the beginning of November for most applications)

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