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Do i stand any chance or is this unrealistic aim?

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Hello All,

I am an Indian national, 24 years, aspiring to study International Relations/ Public Policy Masters for Fall 2011, but i am a career changer , so i am not sure whether my aims are out of reach or not

Bachelors in Engineering ( Information Technology) Academics : 73% from not so known college in India

Work ex 2.5 years until now

Post graduation , i worked in Europe with small startup and then with fortune 500 energy major in a financial analyst role . managed to gain perspectives on energy, finance, management ,technology , climate change and policy issues related to energy during my stint

Motivation for IR/ policy : went to Antarctica last year on an International Expedition with a famous explorer promoting and creating awareness on climate change and preservation of Antarctica. worked in communications on the continent connecting technology with environment and climate change awareness movement. Later I went to Arctic this year to really witness the first hand effects and its impact of the society.

International Travel : travelled to around 30 countries and gained international perspective of different cultures, traditions and political systems which strengthened my interest into passion .

GRE : yet to take

i am trying to read on areas on India and Global Issues and its impact to India and South Asian Society, Environment Policy, Technology and Policy and I want to make a further career in these areas.

So based on my work ex, life experiences and academics , i am targeting the following schools . Is it impossible to make a shift to IR/policy with an engineering degree?

1, Graduate Institute , Geneva

2. LSE ( MPA course , since IR course strictly had acad degree from social science, eco, pol sci)

3. Harvard Kennedy MPP focus on International and Global Affairs

4. Woodrow Wilson , Princeton

I am also looking at Sciences Po, Hertie School , Berlin .

Am i targeting too high ?

Do you think these are out of reach schools for me and i should also research some other schools .

Any other inputs will be greatly appreciated

PS: Graduate Institue and LSE MPA doesnt require GRE ( thats what it is mentioned) . Has anyone applied here without GRE .. How do the chances pan put for an applicant in such a case. ANyone has had such experience with LSE and Geneva Graduate Institute?



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First of all, I don't know how well ranked 73% is in the Indian system, and without GRE or anything else it's hard to look at your academic background.

Even then, I am no expert but I'm inclined to say HKS and Princeton are going to be out of your reach. They're simply amazing schools with really difficult admissions processes. Your story could be pretty compelling if you get it into a well-crafted, tight personal statement, so you probably have a good chance at LSE, Sciences Po, and Geneva. I don't know enough about Berlin to comment on it.

But it's always worth finding out with HKS/WW. What's it going to cost, a couple hundred dollars?

So based on my work ex, life experiences and academics , i am targeting the following schools . Is it impossible to make a shift to IR/policy with an engineering degree?

1, Graduate Institute , Geneva

2. LSE ( MPA course , since IR course strictly had acad degree from social science, eco, pol sci)

3. Harvard Kennedy MPP focus on International and Global Affairs

4. Woodrow Wilson , Princeton

I am also looking at Sciences Po, Hertie School , Berlin .

Am i targeting too high ?

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First of all, I don't know how well ranked 73% is in the Indian system, and without GRE or anything else it's hard to look at your academic background.

Even then, I am no expert but I'm inclined to say HKS and Princeton are going to be out of your reach. They're simply amazing schools with really difficult admissions processes. Your story could be pretty compelling if you get it into a well-crafted, tight personal statement, so you probably have a good chance at LSE, Sciences Po, and Geneva. I don't know enough about Berlin to comment on it.

But it's always worth finding out with HKS/WW. What's it going to cost, a couple hundred dollars?

Thanks Balderdash for the reply , greatly appreciated.

Academically , i am in top 10% of the class. I passed the grades with first class with distinction honors. Also i have high grades in math, stats and economics /management courses.

I also looked at Tufts , George Washington ( Elliot) and UCL International Public Policy .

Any ideas on how these courses when compared to LSE public policy .. As LSE looks freaking expensive ( 2 year worth 35K GBP ) .. so was checking UCL and Elliot as well

How much of work experience will matter for admit /scholaships, All my work experience ( 2.5 years ) has been iinternational work ex and in energy sector . Additionally i also worked as free lance writer during engineering for an year .



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If you're in the top 10% of your class and get solid scores on the GRE, I think you'll stand a good chance at many of the schools. Your statement of purpose will be very important to explain your career shift. You'll certainly want to tighten up your story of why an MA in IR or public policy is now your goal and what you hope to do with it. I don't know enough about the specifics of each program, but if you apply to a number of programs that fit well with your goals, I think you've got a shot.

Also, I'll issue my usual plug to check out U. of Chicago's CIR program. It is only one year (which saves money), has a strong reputation, and lets you take courses at the Harris school of public policy, in addition to a lot of other great departments. I don't know what it will be like this year, but in the past they've been able to offer some funding too.

Good luck.

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