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which is more important? university or the department?

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for career advantages, which is more important?

take MPA/USC and MPP/GTown for example, GTown seems has a better reputation than USC, both in US or in other parts of the world?

MPA/USC ranked about 5 to 7... and LA seems a place full of opportunities.. but I have no idea how USC's reputation is in US...

I need your suggestions!!! Thank you :) !!

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Georgetown pretty much blows USC away in terms of reputation of the university. For me, personally, I don't put as much credence on the US News department rankings, as they seem so arbitrary. I care much more about the reputation of the university to give me a sense of their MPP/MPA program. I guess that's why I'm considering Brown, even though it's not on the US News list.

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Georgetown pretty much blows USC away in terms of reputation of the university. For me, personally, I don't put as much credence on the US News department rankings, as they seem so arbitrary. I care much more about the reputation of the university to give me a sense of their MPP/MPA program. I guess that's why I'm considering Brown, even though it's not on the US News list.

Thank you.

I agree that the US News ranking is arbitrary. However cause I am an international student, I've no idea about other information besides that rankings...

GTown costs too much, I really wonder whether this investment is worth that much... Could anyone in the US say something about the reputation of GTown in other fields besides government affairs? Thanks. :)

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Hello, I just want to respond as a native Angeleno. I was born and raised in Los Angeles and am very familiar with USC. I would say that the SPPD program teaches you to be a manager, administrator, or elected official. In that capacity, the tools you gain are a strong regional and statewide network (that may extend to DC and some other critical areas in the US), basic analytical and quantitative skill development, and leadership training. This is in sharp contrast to GPPI, which trains students to be critical thinkers, analytical writers, and effective in statistics/economics.

I also was accepted by USC for the MPA and am most likely not going to go because it is not worth the price tag. The region is great-Los Angeles and the West Coast overall have a ton of professional opportunities- key industries are based here. I also lived in DC for a while and recognize the power of that area for government, think tanks, and scholarship.

For prestige and critical skill development, Georgetown is steps ahead.

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