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Alexisde-Congratulations to you on Michigan State! It sounds like a great program. At this point, I'm leaning towards getting the MA at BC. Apparently I can transfer most of those credits to the PhD program at Claremont if I decide to matriculate there in a couple of years. I got some funding at CGU but not enough to make it an unambiguously good move. I'm still waiting on Notre Dame (long shot), Toronto (not the most desirable), and Tulane which is the only philosophy program that I applied to and, owing to Ronna Burger and Richard Velkley, it's a possibility that I'm really holding out hope for.

Where are you getting your MA? Having nearly finished, what are your thoughts about these sorts of MA programs in general? Has it been worthwhile? Thanks and good luck!

I'm finishing my Masters at Harvard's Extension School. The program at Harvard is structured in such a way that I could work, travel, take a semester off when needed, etc-- so was able to work to completing the degree without limiting myself geographically or financially. The experience has been rewarding and well worth my time and effort, but it's hardly a substitute for intense MA studies at BC.


I heard from a few grad students at Toronto that Orwin has altered his research focus over the past few years. He now does Old Testament and Jewish thought almost exclusively (Jerusalem over Athens for my Straussian friends out there).

Leon Kass over Allan Bloom, Athenian Stranger? tongue.gif Perhaps I should have shot an application to Toronto. Maybe next year.

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