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Hi everyone! This is my first post, so I hope I put it in the right section.

I'm applying for Masters in Human Rights at Columbia (LSMA), LSE and UCL. I've been kind of swamped with other things and have only just begun to really plan out my SOP, but I hope to have something written up by the end of this week so that I may submit them online before January (LSE is rolling admissions and the other two aren't due until the spring). I'm planning on going to either a PhD in Poli Sci or Law afterward, and heavily leaning toward Law. Basically, how important will this portion of my application be, realistically?

I have a very high GPA (top 5% of my graduating class) from a top 25 uni in the US, and strong recommendations; GRE isn't required by I got 680 on both V and Q and 5.5 on AWA. I have a lot on my plate in the next two months so I want grad school stuff out of the way and I'm a bit concerned my SOP will be lacking in pizzaz; I'm planning on writing a pretty straightforward 600 wordish essay on my qualifications, future plans, and why I'm attracted to the program. I was going to write about what sparked my interest in the field but I've heard that can be "cutesy" and should be avoided...

Thanks in advance,


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My impression of statements in the UK (I am currently a Masters student at UCL) is that you need to give a relatively straight forward account of your interests and motivation for the program, probably with less 'pizzaz' than what is expected in the US - basically eschewing the sentimentalised nature that is often expected over there.

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Hi everyone! This is my first post, so I hope I put it in the right section.

I'm applying for Masters in Human Rights at Columbia (LSMA), LSE and UCL. I've been kind of swamped with other things and have only just begun to really plan out my SOP, but I hope to have something written up by the end of this week so that I may submit them online before January (LSE is rolling admissions and the other two aren't due until the spring). I'm planning on going to either a PhD in Poli Sci or Law afterward, and heavily leaning toward Law. Basically, how important will this portion of my application be, realistically?

I have a very high GPA (top 5% of my graduating class) from a top 25 uni in the US, and strong recommendations; GRE isn't required by I got 680 on both V and Q and 5.5 on AWA. I have a lot on my plate in the next two months so I want grad school stuff out of the way and I'm a bit concerned my SOP will be lacking in pizzaz; I'm planning on writing a pretty straightforward 600 wordish essay on my qualifications, future plans, and why I'm attracted to the program. I was going to write about what sparked my interest in the field but I've heard that can be "cutesy" and should be avoided...

Thanks in advance,


I am also applying to Columbia's Human Rights MA. I got into UCL's Human Rights MA for this year but due to some finances in London, I'm back in the states and I'm applying to Columbia. I met with HR admissions at Columbia, and let's just say I highly recommend being straight forward in your SOP. They don't waste time.

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I am also applying to Columbia's Human Rights MA. I got into UCL's Human Rights MA for this year but due to some finances in London, I'm back in the states and I'm applying to Columbia. I met with HR admissions at Columbia, and let's just say I highly recommend being straight forward in your SOP. They don't waste time.

Great! Thanks for the help. How do you like the program? I'd say LSE is m y first choice, but I'm biased since I know people who went there. I'd love some info about the other programs, too. Also, in your opinion if I finish up my apps by the end of January, and my recommendation letters come by Feb, do you think I'll have a good chance of getting into the programs (I'm a bit worried I'm applying too late).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I did the MSc Human Rights at LSE (great program btw, with a lot of flexibility in terms of what courses you want to take), and also the LLM in Public International Law at LSE after. I am working at Columbia at the moment, at NYU in Human Rights the year before. And my undergrad was at UCL (which also has a v good human rights program). The point of all this is to say, yes, in the UK SOP's are MUCH less emotional than those expected in the US. I wrote a very straightforward explanation of my motivations, experience etc. Stick to that and I can't imagine you'd have any problems getting in!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmm.. I'm a little concerned by these comments. I'm applying to the MA in Human Rights at Columbia, the MA at UCL, and the MSc at LSE also, but I happen to have a lot of human rights experience and it has directly framed my reasons for studying human rights at the postgraduate level. I can't imagine NOT explaining how such work has influenced me professionally, academically, AND personally. There's only so much work you can do with former child soldiers before becoming somewhat personally affected, you know? -_- Do I really need to omit how deeply personal my human rights advocacy initiatives really are?

Also - Can someone confirm for me that the application due date for UCL really isn't January 31st? The website indicates that January 31st is the deadline for doctoral candidates who want funding, but I was told that this is the same deadline for MA applications also. Is this not true? I would so much prefer an April deadline!

Thanks everyone for their help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Bumping this because I haven't applied to Columbia yet, and I imagine my references won't get in until the beginning of March. Is there even any point in applying by then, or do you all think that anyone interested will have pretty much already submitted by January, pushing me out of the running? For the record, because I have a lot of HR work experience I consider myself otherwise quite a strong candidate... But with such a late application I'm not sure if there's even any point... Does anyone even bother applying after early February?

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Well, I found the answer to my own question so I'll post it here just in case it's of use to anyone in the future -- the deadline is March 15th and admissions are NOT rolling, which means that applications will only be viewed when the deadline passes. So if you apply by the deadline there's no reason to panic as I did.

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