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quick SOP question


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All of mine (except for the Courtauld, which only asks for a mere 500 words), are about 1200. I think most state "approximately" 1000 words. I would try to keep that under four pages, though if you can manage with margins and spacings. Then it will look less overwhelming.

Ah, the mad rush! The 15th is finally here! :)))

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All of mine (except for the Courtauld, which only asks for a mere 500 words), are about 1200. I think most state "approximately" 1000 words. I would try to keep that under four pages, though if you can manage with margins and spacings. Then it will look less overwhelming.

Ah, the mad rush! The 15th is finally here! :)))

Seriously! Thank goodness most of these are completely online so I don't have to worry about mailing things, ugh.

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Yeah, I mean, as long as it's not 2300 words, I think you're good. This is your one shot. Make it count! I wouldn't get caught up or self-conscious over word counts.

What I do worry about is how I totally don't trust the online apps. Like, seriously? I just submitted a few today. I fear they might be floating in cyberspace. I must have checked the confirmation emails a dozen times!!!

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Is 300 words over the limit way too much...? One of my SOPs are supposed to be no more than 1,000 words, and mine is about 1,300 right now. Problem?

I might be in the minority on this, but I think if the question states "no more than 1,000 words," than anything over 1,000 words is too much. If it's "approximately/about 1,000 words," I'd go with the 10% rule and try and cut it down to 1,100 or so.

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Always e-mail the department if you are concerned. My SOP is about 1100 words or so and the admissions and the admissions committee told me that was perfect. Just as long as it's in the 1-3page single spaced range I think you're fine. BUT, I would always contact the departments directly to make sure.

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