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Undergraduate finishing my last semester and applying to Northwestern for IMC, PR focus.

- 3.8 overall GPA

- Journalism and English double major and Psych minor

- Strong experiences pertaining to the area of study (worked promotions/marketing internship with local nonprofit, leader (marketing director now, but I worked my way up from other positions) of two student organizations that put on major events, helped spearhead Campus QUASH for the Alzheimer's Association through a PR workshop class)

- not so great GRE scores: 540 verbal, 580 quantitative

- Rec letters should only help

- Feeling good about personal statements

- Interview went very well

- Included the following sample materials: press releases, press packets for events my organizations have put on, and a sample of strategic plan for the Alzheimer's Association

Anyone have any feedback on my chances? I'm feeling discouraged about the GRE scores, but they don't publish a minimum or average for the program. Also, I know that typically over 80% of those admitted have full-time work experience, but I'm thinking/hoping my work outside of the classroom through internships and student organizations that work with nonprofits will help compensate...

Thanks all!

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