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Biology GRE Score


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Im looking to get into a competitive program in the fall of 2012 for stem cell biology, and I was wondering if anyone knew how high of a GRE score it would take to be competitive. I have two majors in biology and broad field natural science, with a minor in chemistry. My overall GPA is 3.7 witha 3.84 in biology. I have no research experiance will hopefully get some this coming year. I would appreciate any help or advice anyone could offer

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My understanding is that the GRE is the least important part of the application. Research experience is probably the most important component and is tied with letters of recommendation though, so I would definitely work on that and be sure to just get a respectable score on the bio GRE.

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If you don't have a lot of research experience you can pretty much assume that you will not get in to a competitive program. Best thing you can do is probably stop worrying so much about the GRE and get in the lab! Good luck!

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