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Masters of Child Study and Education (OISE)


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Np :)


Is acceptance conditional upon the interview as well? Are you accepted now that you have had the interview?

All I was told was that I was "Shortlisted" which would mean that (From that point) I was "selected" from a larger pool of applicants (**to have an interview). But nothing was conditional acceptance into the program or that I got in 100% or anything else. 

This would then mean that I have not gotten any calls, emails or change in my application saying I was accepted. Everything has not changed at all since. 

So, I'm still waiting as well & anything good or bad can happen still I guess :(


How did the interview go?

Personally, the interview went well. They asked standard questions about yourself and your experiences. Nothing was like out of the blue or unexpected. I guess they just want to get to know you and what your goals are :)

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Ok. Hmm the whole process is confusing! But that is a good sign you got an interview! SO they said they would contact you after the interview if succesful and havent? Or they will contact you either way?


Hopefully I will get some information soon one way or another.


Are you currently in undergrad?

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From my understanding, they will contact everyone regardless if you had an interview or not. Thus, I as well as everyone will get notifications if we got rejected or accepted in April for sure.


I am currently in undergrad and applied by the deadline which was posted online :)

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Just a quick question. Has anyone else received the residence email? (i got it yesterday - Feb 19)


"Dear _______,
Thank you for applying to the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto.  If you are considering living in residence or student family housing, you should explore your residence options and complete our online residence application.  Residence space is limited, and we encourage you to apply even before admission to U of T..."
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Hi everyone!


I applied to the MA CSE program for Fall 2014 as well.  Similar to Dayna and MAMT I also had an interview on Feb 8th.  According to past threads it looks like interviews were also held closer to the end of the month so keep faith!!! I'm not sure when we can expect a response by, hopefully it's soon.  By the looks of past threads some applicants were notified as early as March.  MAMT, I didn't receive a residence email, but will keep you posted.


Applying to school and waiting to hear back is such a nerve wracking process! I think we're all in the same boat, we just have to hang in there!  If you hear back from the program or there is a status change to your application on the SGS website please update the forum if you feel comfortable doing so! I will do the same!


Good luck everyone! Wishing you the best! :)

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Did anyone who had an interview have a voicemail left for them when the called to book the original interview? I am worried that I may have missed a call- or this is wishful thinking! Lol but I stupidly included my house number as the main number for contacting me and I rarely answer it/ live with 4 other people!  I am not able to see far enough back on call display but hoping they would leave a message or try calling more then once!


MAMT- I recieved that email but I think anyone who applies to a OISE program gets it- Me and a colleague both applied to the OISE teachers college program as well and both got that email. Unfortunately I dont think it means anything!!

Edited by RebaK
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They had called me and left a msg with the name and number for the person who works for the MA liaison to call them back. Nothing else, so when I had called back is when she gave me further details on who she was and why she had called. So they do leave a msg but not a super detailed one saying what the call is for. 


I called right back, like 10-15 minutes after so I don't know if they would have tried calling more than once; sorry :(

did you only apply to MA CSE or to both MA CSE and MT(masters of teaching)?

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I can't believe some of you have already had an interview! Good job! I've been checking my email non-stop but didn't think they would set up an interview by phone call. So just to clarify, if I was going to get an interview, do you think I would have been called by now? 

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I haven't received anything either- feeling kind of discouraged since others have had interveiws already. But if your read through the threads- it seems like things can happen at anytime. And those who were interviewed weren't neccesarily accepted- and some haven't heard back since. So, it is really hard to know what to think!! I guess waiting is all we can do- at this point I would just like to know regardless- even if it was a rejection letter!


Are you applying out of undergrad?

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Try and stay as positive as you can!
I know that is really hard but it will help you stay sane. In reality, interview or not, we are all still not guaranteed anything, so essentially were all on the same boat :(

Stay positive until you have the official results! Acceptance or not there are other possibilities such as being on the wait-list. I try and tell myself that people apply to more than one program therefore, spots may open up etc. since they may accept other offers or other schools. 


I will keep you guys posted as well with another other news I know about my status or of my friends that may help anyone out!

Best of luck to everyone!

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Yes i am applying out of undergrad. I go to Trent University currently. What about you? Thank you for the replies this has been encouraging and really helpful.

Also, let us know if anyone else hears anything! What were some interview questions you were asked for those who had one?



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I agree this is very helpful since there are no sure dates or timelines given to us. I am curious as to what it means when someone has an interview- and if we haven't been called for an interview if that means we are out of luck!


I completed undergrad in 2011- have done a post grad in Behavioural Science and have been working in the field for 3 years!

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The questions asked at the interview were mostly straight forward. It seemed to me like they wanted to see if what you said matched what was on your resume.

However, they did ask you more off topic questions like why you applied, where you saw yourself in X years. I really found it to be based on applied psychology. Like why do you think the child does this. Or what have you done/would do if X happened between the kids? and why do you think it happened?

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Hey guys, I received a call and got accepted today. It was a verbal acceptance and an official letter will be sent by the end of March and early April.

So, phone calls are being made :) Best of luck to all of you!

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Ditto! Got a call today and the program liaison let me know that I was accepted into the program. So, do keep close to the phones whose numbers you've given to the department. Best of luck to you all! And see you in September MAMT!  :D

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i also received a call and was accepted into the program!!


have any of you applied for residence? or are planning on looking for accommodation? 


i'm from niagara falls so moving toronto is very much on the table for me 

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Hey RebaK 


I did have an interview in February. But don't worry yet because if people who applied to multiple programs accept another offer, then spots would open up in MA. So, stay positive!  :)


And congratulations missy and peach! See ya'll in September! 

Edited by Sagan
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I had an interview with both MT and CSE in the same week. I don't think MT offers have gone out yet but CSE told me it was an unofficial acceptance and would be made official once I got the letter in the mail. 

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