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Advice on Recommendations


Who should write my second academic recommendation?  

8 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should write my second academic recommendation?

    • Community college instructor
    • Cornell professor

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I spent my last two years of undergrad at an Ivy after attending a community college and a public university for my first three years. I've been out of school for six years and am applying to master's programs in public policy this fall. I'm currently determining whom I should get recommendations from. I need two academic recommendations and have one lined up. So I still need one more, and I could get one from another Ivy professor, but one of my community college instructors whom I've kept in touch with over the years has offered to write a recommendation as well. As you can probably imagine, it was much easier to make a lasting impression at the community college than it was at the Ivy, and I'm fairly certain that my CC instructor will write a stronger recommendation than my Ivy professor. So what should I do - get what would probably be a stronger, more insightful recommendation from the CC, or get a recommendation from a Ivy professor who had me as a student in a senior seminar?

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Not sure why this is being painted as an either/or option. E-mail one while CC'ing the other, asking them to collaberate on a "joint" letter of reccomendation, where one writes one half, the second professor the other half. Stress that they need to make the tone of the letter as even as possible. This way you have the prestige of the Ivy League reinforced by the personal insights of a plebeian (for lack of a better word).

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Ask the person from the community college to write the letter. Graduate schools scrutinize the letters very carefully, and it is better to have someone who can provide deep insight into your academic capabilities than someone who will write a vague letter. Good luck with that :)

By the way Ferrero, wouldn't it be amazing if something like you proposed could really happen?

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