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man, I should have accepted the prestigious fellowship offer and hot USC girls instead of choosing October through May winters, no fellowship and not doing research I want to do at a renowned research school. just something to consider: quality of life does matter. Not just weather, but the people you have to work with for the next 5 years (or more).

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What i was originally hoping for was that everyone who didn't get the award now will get the rejection letter so that there is still hope for all of us, but clearly this is not the case. this only means that we must all move on to better things. Perhaps without the constraint of this fellowship, we can all free ourselves and become even better researchers than ever? The possibilities!

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I haven't received a rejection letter yet, and my name is *not* on the award list. Keeping fingers weakly crossed for the HM.

Last name starts with "L". Field in the social sciences.

My guess is that you get the award through the second batch of funding. While people who actually got rejected will receive another email telling them they got HM, while the people who were actually rejected were actually people who got the award through the first batch. So there's still hope!

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you still have not answered my question about the Hand Lotion Sciences program. Prospects look even better now that I will be joining that program. What is your PhD in when you graduate?

PhD will be in Engineering Sciences: Hand Lotion Fabrication and Manufacturing

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The real question is: is it possible to be social about science and to be scientific about society? What if society was actually based on a purely nonscientific system? then how can you find scientific values in it? Also, what if science was based on purely non-social constructs? Then how can you be social about it? These are the things we should be thinking about.

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