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I feel the need to ask this question because it seems like everyone has been meaning to ask it but just doesn't know how to bring it up without sounding awkward, so here goes:

If you're a guy, does winning the nsf grfp impress women? (and similarly if you were a woman).

in other words, if there are two equally qualified grad students but only one of them has the nsf award, would women be more attracted to the nsf awardee?

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I feel the need to ask this question because it seems like everyone has been meaning to ask it but just doesn't know how to bring it up without sounding awkward, so here goes:

If you're a guy, does winning the nsf grfp impress women? (and similarly if you were a woman).

in other words, if there are two equally qualified grad students but only one of them has the nsf award, would women be more attracted to the nsf awardee?

Never count on being good at math/science to help you get laid.

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Greedy? I am sensing some resent. Note: I haven't won a GRF so I am not as of now getting 50k/year and might not ever. My professor is not planning on growing his lab beyond what he sees as an optimal number of people. He has a lot of funding already because he is the shiznit. When I told him I won the NDSEG he congratulated me and said he would still pay me the same, that the NDSEG was my own thing. I said I might not be able to accept any money (at the time I didn't know about the 5k) and he said "thats sort of a problem because I have money to spend, but I am happy for you."

It is true that most professors assume that students with fellowships don't need their funding. I have a very gregarious professor.

I certainly did not mean to imply you were greedy. I just don't know of anyone else in the past that has been able to stack NSF funding on top of a professor already funding the student, and didn't know how to even broach such a topic with a professor if ever coming to that situation. Anyway, congrats, your professor certainly is generous and you seem to be in a good financial situation.

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I'll say this, the H-bomb (harvard name dropping effect) and Stanford to an extent, can cause some dumb girls to swoon. Not that Ive taken advantage of this or anything.

the same uttered from a girl's lips usually causes recoiling and/or horror.

at least from what i've heard.

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I have to admit, there is a reason that I generally avoid dating scientists...I'm not sure if I want my significant other to get turned on by the words NSF GRFP (oh, baby!). Maybe just enough so that they're excited by the extra whopping 3K a year, but not so that they're in awe of my NSF-worthy intellect *sarcasm*.


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I have to admit, there is a reason that I generally avoid dating scientists...I'm not sure if I want my significant other to get turned on by the words NSF GRFP (oh, baby!). Maybe just enough so that they're excited by the extra whopping 3K a year, but not so that they're in awe of my NSF-worthy intellect *sarcasm*.



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Who knew that even a "Hand Lotion Sciences" student could be this desperate? Sir, you have set the bar.

Extreme dryness of the hands is the leading cause for hospitalization in the arctic regions of the world. Hundreds of thousands of men and women alike experience each day with discomfort and unease caused by lack of moisture in the sensory extremity regions of the body. This is a serious field of research that is not to be mocked. Can't you imagine the day when dryness is no longer an issue but rather just a myth passed on through the generations through fables and tall tales?

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You definitely don't pull in tail if you're going to MIT. Maybe you can impress some intellectual chick from Harvard, but really, why the hell would you want that? I'd take a girl from a junior college over MIT. Playing in a rock band and getting a phd at a non-MIT caliber school is way more lucrative than going to grad school at MIT. For example, an average girl at Arizona State is at least 3 points higher (on a scale of 1-10) than the average girl at MIT. No offense to the hot science chick at MIT who's probably from the south or west coast.

I think next year my proposed research will be to correlate attractiveness of student population with academic rigor.

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You definitely don't pull in tail if you're going to MIT. Maybe you can impress some intellectual chick from Harvard, but really, why the hell would you want that? I'd take a girl from a junior college over MIT. Playing in a rock band and getting a phd at a non-MIT caliber school is way more lucrative than going to grad school at MIT. For example, an average girl at Arizona State is at least 3 points higher (on a scale of 1-10) than the average girl at MIT. No offense to the hot science chick at MIT who's probably from the south or west coast.

I think next year my proposed research will be to correlate attractiveness of student population with academic rigor.

Have you been to MIT? There are definitely plenty of very attractive and intelligent women there. There definitely seems to be a stigma from which your comment was spawned, but really most women in the sciences are really smart and attractive. Sure they may be nerdy and study all the time, but there's nothing wrong with that.

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...really most women in the sciences are really smart and attractive. Sure they may be nerdy and study all the time, but there's nothing wrong with that.

Maybe I should make an exception to my rule...flattery gets you everywhere!

P.S. By the way, NSF, you are the most smart and attractive funding organization I have ever known...

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Keep in mind that if you put a mildly attractive girl next to a bunch of guys, she starts to look like a model.

But seriously, I doubt the GRFP is going to get you any chicks. Most freshmen don't even know what GRFP is :twisted:

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Maybe I should make an exception to my rule...flattery gets you everywhere!

P.S. By the way, NSF, you are the most smart and attractive funding organization I have ever known...

Bioangele, I would like to drop the H-bomb on you. Just kidding!! I didn't go to Harvard...I'm just a regular guy who likes science as much as the next phd candidate.

I didn't really think too much about the nsf grfp until I started reading this thread. People here are insane and are grfp mongers.

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