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I cannot wait to get rejected from the NSF, have to tell my adviser and listen to him say "you should have done better on the GRE's and gotten a 4.0" after months of him telling me grades don't matter and the only thing that matters now is my research. Dogfish Head Sahtea anyone? Is it out yet?! AMG!

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I cannot wait to get rejected from the NSF, have to tell my adviser and listen to him say "you should have done better on the GRE's and gotten a 4.0" after months of him telling me grades don't matter and the only thing that matters now is my research. Dogfish Head Sahtea anyone? Is it out yet?! AMG!

Please tell me you are in the Boston area.

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PSi_light wrote:

vice wrote:10am tomorrow!

No! Someone else had that time and I "The Price Is Right"ed them. I think the next highest guess was sometime thurs so I get most of Wed (and FYI too late to steal it from me now...lol)

it was me! 11:26 am ET thursday

Hey! I guessed Wednesday 4/8 at 15:16.2342! I apologize for thinking that someone would pick up on the "Lost" numbers... and yes, I'm lame. :(

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Someone a few pages back suggested that they use the extra stimulus money to go back and give awards to last year's HMers. As a 2008 HM, is it wrong of me to actually be holding out a miniscule amount of hope that this could be true? Realistically I don't need it - I'm in grad school, I have funding. But at the same time, the siren call of the GRFP is just that strong...

Wouldn't that cause more problems for people who applied in 2007? 2006? and so on? I'm not sure....

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Wouldn't that cause more problems for people who applied in 2007? 2006? and so on? I'm not sure....

Oh, I'm sure it would. There's no WAY they would actually give awards retroactively (causing problems for earlier applications, grad school decisions, etc.) I think it was just presented as an amusing idea.

That said, tell me the 2008 HM'ers wouldn't trample each other to take it...

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it does that every night at exactly the same time, don't take it seriously..

(i have a python script monitoring the award page for changes)


Been waiting for you to reply for awhile, sir buttsssssss. :)

(note: you may have posted recently, but despite my obsession over checking this forum thread as of late, I can't say I've been able/wanted to/had the stomach to stay up with all of the most recent postings...)

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Been waiting for you to reply for awhile, sir buttsssssss. :)

(note: you may have posted recently, but despite my obsession over checking this forum thread as of late, I can't say I've been able/wanted to/had the stomach to stay up with all of the most recent postings...)

hi ZETETIC ELENCH. everyone's going crazy, hope we all get it. all the 'smart girls are nasty' talk last night made this place particularly unappealing, but i think it is obvious we all want the award and don't want to be informed second hand due to weird glitches that we didn't get it (i learned from someone else last year, when i was happily ignoring the whole situation, waiting for email).

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Hey! I guessed Wednesday 4/8 at 15:16.2342! I apologize for thinking that someone would pick up on the "Lost" numbers... and yes, I'm lame. :(

Can't believe I missed that. Nice one.

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I think we should know by the end of this week. Im basing this on the fact that the engineers have to tell their fellowship whether they are accepting/declining by this Friday. Any thoughts?

Didnt people have to tell NDSEG today? I do not think NSF even cares about the other fellowships, so they will release it whenever they feel like doing so.

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Didnt people have to tell NDSEG today? I do not think NSF even cares about the other fellowships, so they will release it whenever they feel like doing so.

i think ndseg extended their deadline to friday.

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2008 - March 31

2007 - March 26

2006 - March 30

2005 - April 9

I think these are the dates for the last few years, give or take a little.

2005 is the closest to this year.

I feel like they might want to not be "as late" as 2005, so maybe they will try to do it tomorrow or the day after.

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Yeah, true. It looks like they contract it out every few years.

I wonder if 2005 was also a contract out year? :P

actually ... maybe it was their first year doing nsf stuff?

"The services are currently being performed by American Socity for Engineering Education, Inc. (ASEE) under Contract Number DGE-0426243 which was awarded on March 13, 2004. The ceiling value of the contract (Base Period plus all option periods) is $14,470,216.00."

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Sounds to me like we have someone new to pester on the phone! Who's calling ASEE tomorrow bright and early?? :idea: :idea: :idea:

Umm... seriously?

Anyway, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the GRF Operations Center administered by ASEE? So wouldn't they be the ASEE folks who we would need to contact, and haven't people been contacting them plenty already?

Plus I don't think anyone needs two more pages about the merits (or lack thereof) of said pestering...

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