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Situation: Basically, there is a program at NIH called "Graduated Partnership program" (GPP) where yin your home institution you finish the two year of doctoral courses and do the thesis at the NIH, you have to send a CV and a cover letter to one of the scientist there, and convince him why he should take you to his lab and fund you to do the doctoral thesis, that is the "Individual GPP", there is the regular GPP where you select a doctoral program that is already bridge to NIH GPP. I'm already in doctoral program so I have to do the "Individual GPP. I need some feedback from my cover letter (below), and THANKS very much for taking time to read and make some feed backs!!! I really appreciated XD: Here is what I wrote in the one page cover letter!!!

Month, day year

Dr. Stephen H. Leppla

Acting Chief

Bacterial Toxins and Therapeutics Section

Laboratory of Bacterial Diseases

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

National Institute of Health

Greetings Dr. Stephen H. Leppla:

My name is Ramón Gómez-Moreno I recently I was accepted in the University of Puerto Rico (UPR), Medical Sciences Campus, School of Medicine for the doctoral program (Ph.D.) in Biochemistry to start in August 2011. I’m very interested in the NIH Graduate Partnership Program because I strongly believe that the combination of university doctoral education and research at NIH can give the opportunity to network for post-doctoral and future employee opportunities. More importantly, experience research that contributed to biomedical and clinical science and have a huge impact in our society’s problem like infectious diseases, bioterrorism, public health and establishing new faster methods to diagnose and treat pathogens infections. The reason I’m want to pursue a doctoral degree in Biochemistry is because I want to apply this knowledge in the area of molecular pathogenesis and establishing new molecular methods for detection, diagnosis and prevention of clinical important pathogens that can be used in bioterrorism and are common agents of infection in society. With my future aim of being partially in academics (research) and working with the federal government overseen clinical sciences laboratories that specialized in the detection and diagnosis of infectious diseases from patients.

The reason I’m strongly interested in your research is because your laboratory deals with the molecular aspect of bacteria pathogenesis with the aim of developing vaccines and therapeutics. I find very interesting and fascinating how bacteria utilized the cell molecular physiology for tissue colonization and future infection creating a Tug o’ war of molecular pathways and physiological responses from pathogen-host interaction. Not forgetting about the biochemistry that is involved in the isolation and characterization of molecular pathways, novel antigens and toxins that can be used to created vaccines and molecular diagnostics methods. While reading your statement from the US House Committee on Government Reform (2002) I found very interesting the amount of pathogens utilized the protease “Furin” for viral replication and activation of bacteria exotoxin. Even more fascinating, how Bacillus anthracis exotoxins impaired macrophage and neutrophils response. In a more “bench work” aspect your laboratory works with tissue culture and many molecular and biochemistry techniques that are interesting to me to learn and be able to adapt them to my own professionals goals.

Thank you for your time


RamĂłn GĂłmez-Moreno, B.S.


letter*, sorry about the grammar

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