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Museum Careers - Alternative Routes?


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I'm just curious about what people may have to say on this topic, although I must apologize because I think the question is a little vague.

I have an AH BA, some low level museum and gallery experience, a great internship, and reasonably good test scores/GPA. I have a feeling I could get into AH MA programs pretty easily. I even think I may have a shot at PhD programs. But the truth is, as much as I love AH and the thought of a museum career, I'm not sure I'm psyched about the thought of writing a PhD...I know this is seen as TOTALLY VITAL in securing a curatorial job, but what about the rest of it? If I wanted a mid-level, maybe administrative position in a museum, is there much of a point in even going for an MA? Would I be better served looking at Museum Studies or Museum Admin program? And what about law or business school - does anyone know museum professionals who went those routes instead?

Anecdotes, advice and admonitions welcome!

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I work at an museum too and it seems that even entry level office jobs in our Development, Curatorial and Research departments require a minimum of an MA, which is why I decided to bite the bullet and go for it. I have 3 friends in the museum right now that are currently looking to move up from our hourly entry level positions to an entry level admin job....here's the kicker - 2 have MAs and the other is working on her PhD.

It just seems mind boggling, so I started asking Director level managers what their experience was at other museums and all said the same, the higher the degree the better. For operational jobs (Visitor Services, Security, Gallery Attendants, Event Planning) a BA should be sufficient. We are always filling entry level positions to recent graduates from all over the states so it seems to just be a sign of the times.

But I agree with fullofpink, I would wait until you know for sure which you would like to study. I've worked at the museum for a couple of years now and it really helped to shape the direction of my art studies and is a complete change from the Museum Studies program I originally wanted to do.

I hope this helps!

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If you don't know why you need a graduate degree, don't go to graduate school just yet - you might be wasting your time. If might help to work in the field for awhile, figure out which sector/department interests you most, call people who work in these jobs and see what paths (and degrees) they have. It might help provide you some clarity.

Boy, is this ever good advice. I most wholeheartedly concur.

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