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writing a resume


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There's really no one answer here: it all depends on what kind of experience you've amassed, what you're looking to highlight in your background, and what you're aiming to do. (For instance, my "teaching experience" section comes before my publications because I have more of the former and because it was important for me to demonstrate teaching experience to win my assistantship. Someone in the lab sciences would probably do the opposite.)

The best thing to do is look at several samples of others in your field (those at the same stage of their careers would be best). That said, most grad applicants would probably include some of the following sections, as applicable to their experience: education, teaching experience, research experience, publications, presentations, honors/awards, coursework (depending on whether or not your past degree speaks to your preparation), service.

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The best thing to do is look at several samples of others in your field (those at the same stage of their careers would be best).

I second this suggestion. What you can do is look at the graduate students at the schools (and specific programs) you're considering applying to. Oftentimes they'll have personal webpages, or at least a page on the department website. If they have a link to their CV, look at/download it and use it as a kind of template, of course with the understanding that you'll likely not be able to fill in everything they did. Even if it just means getting inspiration for format or font, it's a good place to start.

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runonsentence and CitizenHobbes--thank you for your helpful responses

CitizenHobbes, thanks for the tip about looking at the grad students CVs. I don't nearly have as much experience as they do, but it is indeed a great place to start

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