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Not sure what to do

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This isn't really a "grad school" question specifically, but it is related to my undergrad major and you've all been so helpful since I joined. So, here goes:

In order for me to graduate from my school's honor's college, I have to do an honor's project. When I started the project, I decided to approach Professor X at my school, at the recommendation of my department chair, for a little advice on writing non-fiction. Well, X immediately thought that I was asking her to be my advisor on the project, which I wasn't (I hadn't even met X prior to my talk with her). She took it upon herself to decline the request I never made to begin with, but she offered to be the reader.

I didn't want to be rude by telling her that I didn't want her on my project, so I took her up on the offer, thinking "What's the worst that could happen?" The truth is, I really wanted Professor Y to do the job- her style of writing is much more up my alley, I've known her longer, and she already knows my story from our conversations.

Fast forward to now, and my reader is non-existent. In fact, we have not had any communication since our one and only talk 10 months ago (I tried to get in touch with her but she never responded). I also just found out from her website that she is spending this academic year out of state at another university to teach and do research. I'm pretty sure she wouldn't even remember me at this point. Thankfully, my advisor has acted as both advisor and reader so far, so I don't feel that the quality of my project has suffered.

Nevertheless, my gut is telling me to find a new reader for my project. I just don't quite know what the protocol is. Is it poor form to choose someone else being that my project is due in exactly two months? And, considering our lack of communication, should I even bother telling X that I'm parting ways? Am I just overreacting in thinking that my reader should be more readily available?

Sorry for the novel, and thank you for your advice!

Edited by dimanche0829
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I don't think that's poor form at all, two months in advance seems like plenty of notice to me; I'd email the potential substitute reader now, especially since it is either early on in the semester (or if you're on the quarter system, which hasn't even begun yet, even better).

I'd probably still send an email to Prof. X, as I doubt your decision will be either a big deal or offensive in the slightest, as it seems like she is pretty busy with her own work at the moment. Good luck!

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If there is someone who is in charge of the Honors program/honors related projects (at my undergrad, it was the Director of Undergraduate Studies), I would contact them; and I imagine they will give you the green light on going for the new reader. If you haven't yet had to officially indicate Prof X as your reader, then it's probably not a big problem at all. Maybe it's one of those strange blessings that your reader is currently at a different uni, because now it seems like you'll end up with a more appropriate reader anyway. Either way, I think it's wise that you're taking care of it as soon as possible rather than later--

Edited by ecritdansleau
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Thanks to both of you for your responses. Makes complete sense now that I've had a chance to stop reacting and start thinking. I had to officially name her as the reader last semester, but I think a quick note to her to say thanks but no thanks (obviously in a nicer way) should do the trick. I doubt she even remembers me, so with any luck she won't feel put out. But even if she is, I've never had a class with her, this is my last semester, and ultimately it's my project so I need to do what's best for me. Thanks again!

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