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Is anyone on here applying to Maryland? It doesn't matter the program...

Two of my letters have been submitted but my third said she never got the link! wtf! Anyway, Maryland has to be dumb about it - you can't just resend the link or send a reminder -- you have to contact the dept and I cannot get ahold of anyone!

Does anyone know a way around this??? Or run into the same problem? She's an older professor but I told her to check her spam folder and all that jazz...


Oh dear, good luck. I also applied to Maryland but didn't have that problem, I hope you are able to get in touch with someone tomorrow.


one of my referees also have not provided lor in time.

i mailed to cs dept, and got the reply that he can send reco later to an email address i got with the reply.

and i was also told that 2 lor will be ok to review my application.


I think you can have your professor email the rec to the department coordinator. I spoke to the Maryland coordinator on the phone before. She isn't exacly utra-friendly about things and can easily get annoyed on the phone (with me at least). I guess that gives you a picture of how smoothly/happy the school's administrative department runs...

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