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Funding In Different Departments


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Probably a question that depends highly on the school, the department and the particular award.

For example, in my program, I'm currently funded through Fine Arts. However, I can apply, for example, to the Jewish Studies program which offers several scholarship to students in any department. This is stipulated in their guidelines for those funds.

Typically, a school's graduate studies office will have an awards directory and eligibility is listed there. If you are applying for next fall, though, your first line is an admissions scholarship if offered. This usually comes from the department you've applied to. Ask someone - a department secretary, your proposed advisor - if they can point you in the direction of more information about awards and scholarships.

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At my university, departments that need TAs will advertise by getting messages sent to the grad student listserve of other departments. Or, they'll post them on their departmental website. I end up getting a bunch of these in my email each semester, though more in the summer for fall semester than I get for spring semester.

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