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Francis Scott Key (Fitzgerald)

Great American(s) or greatest American(s)?

That reminds me of a story.

When John Lennon was being interviewed once, someone asked him, "Do you think Ringo Starr is the greatest drummer in the world?"

John Lennon replied, "In the world? He's not even the best drummer in the Beatles"

How can F Scott be the greatest American when he's not even the best of the Modernists?

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That reminds me of a story.

When John Lennon was being interviewed once, someone asked him, "Do you think Ringo Starr is the greatest drummer in the world?"

John Lennon replied, "In the world? He's not even the best drummer in the Beatles"

How can F Scott be the greatest American when he's not even the best of the Modernists?

I am not even half serious, bro. Just punning on the name. Also, Francis Scott Key is definitely the greatest American. Followed closely by Dale.

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for what it's worth, i just received a rejection from berkeley's rhetoric program. i think i annoyed the DGS by accidentally sending him the same email twice, after he'd already responded to it the first time. but what can you do? it wasn't a top choice, nor was it in my top 5, but i nevertheless would have been thrilled by an acceptance.

best of luck to other UCB rhetoric applicants

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for what it's worth, i just received a rejection from berkeley's rhetoric program. i think i annoyed the DGS by accidentally sending him the same email twice, after he'd already responded to it the first time. but what can you do? it wasn't a top choice, nor was it in my top 5, but i nevertheless would have been thrilled by an acceptance.

best of luck to other UCB rhetoric applicants

Sorry about that. I have heard nothing from them. Maybe I should shoot the DGS an e-mail. The moment of truth.

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i would email pheng cheah - i emailed him originally, and he told me that march would be when i'd find out. stupidly, a few days later i emailed the head of the department, dr. constable, who forwarded my email to cheah and someone else :-(. having applied to fifteen programs, i frankly forgot that i'd already emailed someone at berkeley. thus cheah responded, was somewhat disgruntled, and promptly rejected me in his reply!

Edited by vordhosbntwin
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i would email pheng cheah - i emailed him originally, and he told me that march would be when i'd find out. stupidly, a few days later i emailed the head of the department, dr. constable, who forwarded my email to cheah and someone else :-(. having applied to fifteen programs, i frankly forgot that i'd already emailed someone at berkeley. thus cheah responded, was somewhat disgruntled, and promptly rejected me in his reply!

my emotional response:

50% shock

39% sympathetic sadness

10% fear for self

1% lol

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lol yeah, i don't know. i hate to think that i was rejected because i annoyed this guy. i'm currently writing an article and pheng cheah is one of my sources, so it feels a bit strange. oh well fuck it. here's the full note:

"As I told you last week, all applicants will receive final notification by early March. I can now add in advance that we had many strong candidates and a very small number of place and we regret that you were not offered admission. I wish you all the best for your plans for graduate studies."

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lol yeah, i don't know. i hate to think that i was rejected because i annoyed this guy. i'm currently writing an article and pheng cheah is one of my sources, so it feels a bit strange. oh well fuck it. here's the full note:

"As I told you last week, all applicants will receive final notification by early March. I can now add in advance that we had many strong candidates and a very small number of place and we regret that you were not offered admission. I wish you all the best for your plans for graduate studies."

Apparently, this e-mail qualifies him as a professor of RHETORIC.

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ah yeah. well, i know the dude probably gets tons of annoying emails from folks like me. i sent him an apology and a 'thank you' for the swift rejection. it's kind of unbelievable that these programs already know who they're rejecting yet refuse to notify applicants until march. i'm glad i found out this soon, honestly.

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The schools I've applied to generally don't start notifying until the last week in February (the last decision I'll be waiting on won't be out until the middle of March! grr), and while I've been jealous as others have started to hear back, as the time draws nearer for my schools to start making noise I am less and less sure that I actually want to know my application decisions. I am positive that, in retrospect, this period of ignorance will have been bliss.

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I emailed Berkeley. Here it is:

"Official letters are sent out in early March. I let you know in advance that we had many strong candidates and a very small number of places and we regret that you were not offered admission. I wish you all the best for your plans for graduate studies."

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at least he fixed the typo in yours

Yeah, but added:

I emailed Berkeley. Here it is:

"Official letters are sent out in early March. I let you know in advance that we had many strong candidates and a very small number of places and we regret that you were not offered admission. I wish you all the best for your plans for graduate studies."

Right? Isn't that ungrammatical? My brain function is dwindling.

Anyway, that guy must be stressed out. And if they're saying March (last year it seems they'd rejected practically half of gradcafe by February 15th...and via website, not solicited email), they must be overrun with applications or understaffed. Maybe Butler just did this all herself in past seasons.

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Well done and congratulations!

When I saw that it was Indiana, I panicked/got very excited about the possibility of knowing something. And then I remembered that my Indiana app was for neither English nor Comp Lit. Aaagggh.

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